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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/383

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 35, 36, 37. 1862. 353 year from date or earlier, at the option of the Government, and shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum. Approved, March 1, 1862. Cnr. XXXVI.—An Actjixiny the Number of the House of Representatives _/rom and March 4, 1862. a_/Yer the third El arch, eighteen hundred and skcty-three. "_"i""‘ Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the third Number °f day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, the number of mem- ¥}:K;l;°r§f°{{€p,e_ bers of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United seumives. States shall be two hundred and forty-one; and the eight additional members shall be assigned one each to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Vermont, and Rhode Island. Approved, March 4, 1862. CHAP. X)HVH.—An Act to rovide jbr the Ap ointment of additional Clerks in the March 6, 1862. Office of the Assistant Zlheasurer at New {york, and for other Purposes. _—"”;" Be it enacted lg the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mzz`ted States of America in Congress assembled, That the Assistant Treasurer Assistant of the United States at New York be, and he hereby is, authorized to ggrsllgtmay appoint, from time to time, by and with the consent and approbation appoint additionot' the Secretary of the Treasury, such other clerks, messengers, and “ °1°’ks· &°· watchmen, in addition to those already employed by him, as the exigencies of the public business may require, at rates of compensation Compensation. to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided, That such rates shall in no case exceed those now allowed by law for the several persons similarly employed in the office of the said Assistant Treasurer. The compensation for such additional clerks, messengers, and watchmen, for the current and next fiscal year, shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Estimates Estimates. for compensation for such additional clerks, messengers, and watchmen, after the next fiscal year, shall be submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury with his annual estimates. Sec. 2. And 5e it further enacted, That the said Assistant Treasurer Deputy Assistof the United States at New York be, and he hereby is, further author· QW {;Q;“‘°' *‘* ized to appoint, with the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury, Appoguggcng, a. competent person from among his clerks who shall be called the Deputy Assistant Treasurer of the United States. The said Deputy Assist- _ aut Treasurer, in addition to the duties performed by him and any D‘m°‘· others which he may be required to perform by the said Assistant Treasurer, is hereby authorized to witness the execution of any and all transfers of Government stock and powers of attorney, and sign al1 receipts for patent fees and bullion receipts, with like effect as if the same were witnessed and signed, respectively, by the said Assistant Treasurer in person. The said Deputy Assistant Treasurer shall receive I an additional compensation of one thousand dollars per annum, to be C¤mp¢¤¤¤¤¤¤· paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the total compensation received by him shall not exceed three thousand dollars per annum. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum of two thousand five Aggspsauoa hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any gg; Suatrgsfr? money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase of blank checks for the use of the Sub-treasury. Approved, March 6, 1862. vox.. xn. Pm:.-·—45