352 THIRTY—-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 34, 35. 1862 sistant treasurer at St. Louis, from iirst January to the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, eighteen hundred dollars. Public Bui1d.· To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to pay for painting in i“€“· the interior of the Capitol, and for general repairs, three thousand two hundred dollars. To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to have the old furnace under the Library of Congress removed, and a new one erected in its place, three hundred and twenty-five dollars. For 9. deficiency on account of papcriug and painting the Presidenfs house in the autumn of eighteen hundred and sixty-one, four thousand HVG hundred dollars. William H- To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to pay the bill of Wil- C"'Y1&Br°th°r' Ham H. Carry] and Brother for iixrniturc for the 1’resident’s house, six thousand eight hundred and fifny-eight dollars and eighty cents. P. 8: T. Bcrry· To enable the Commissioner to pay a bill of P. and T. Berry for granite work and materials for the north front of the Patent Ofdce building, seven thousand ni¤cty-thrc¤ dollars and thirteen cents. T0 enable the Commissioner to pay five per cent. on eight thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and ten cents, retained on that sum due P. and T. Berry on granite work on the west wing of the Patent Office building in eighteen hundred and fifty, four hundred and thirty- seven dollars and ninety-four cents. pq5cm, in For support of patients in the Government hospital, five thousand dolhospitul. lm-S_ J. B. Blake. To pay J. B. Blake for work done by him when Commissioner of Public Buildings, twenty-two dollars and eighteen cents. Office for Sur- Fur expenses attending the removal to and occupation of building mmwgd at corner of F and Fifteenth streets, for the Surgeon Ge-mcm1’s and ml. Paymastcr Gcneral’s 0iHccs, for the six months ending thirtieth of J unc, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, seven thousand eight hundred dollars. Appropriation S100. 3. And be ii further enacted, That the following sum bc, and the @*1863- sameis hereby appropriated for the service of the year ending thirnieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three: For expenses of building corner of F and Fifteenth streets, occupied by the Surgeon Genera1’s and Paymaster G€¤8I31,S offices, eight thousand eight hundred dollars. mM¤%¤¤1b¤¤Pi· Sec. 4. And be it further emwtea§ That the Secretary of the Treasury I0,;: ¤:*;;}§°°°’ be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to lease the property of lama. tho United States in the city of Burlington, Iowa, upon which is the United States marine hospital, first giving thirty days’ notice thereof ; or if he shall deem it more expedient for the Government to retain the title to said property, that he be authorized to use it for the sick and wounded soldiers of the United States, or to discharge all officers and servants of' the Government connected therewith, and to close the hospital. APPROVED, March 1, 1862. Mhrch 1, 1862. CHAP. XXXV.—An Act to authorize the Secretmy ey" the Yhasury to issue Cbrtificates v-.`-`-""""` of Indebtedness to Public Creditors. Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ¢y" America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Cmmcms of Treasury bc, and he is hereby authorized, to cause to be issued to any g‘·$?:;‘w:0::. public creditor who may be desirous to receive the same, upon requisition 1, M p_ am of the Head of the proper Department in satisfaction of audited and set- ’ tlcd demands against the United States, certificates for the whole amount D _ _ _ due or parts thereof not less than one thousand dollars, signed by the wh;‘°';‘;f$§;‘“· Treasurer of the United States, and countersigncd as may be directed by nw up interest. the Secretary of the "Crea.sury; which certificate shall be payable in one
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