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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/389

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cu, 41. 1862. 359 Contingent Expenses of the Treasury D mwtmem. Treasury De; In the office of the Secretaryepof the Treasury: °°"°°` For copying, labor, blank books, binding, sealing ships' registers, trans- Seoretarys loting foreign languages, advertising, and extra clerk hire for preparing °m°°· and collecting information to be laid before Congress, and for miscellaneous items, twenty thousand dollars. For compensation of additional clerks who may be employed by the Secregary, according to the exigencies of the public service, fifty thousand dollars. In the office of the First Comptroller: 1st Comptrol- For furniture, blank books, binding, stationery, public documents, State 1***,* °m°°· and Territorial statutes, and miscellaneous items, one thousand eight hundred dollars. In the office of the Second Comptroller: $6 C°mP*'°l· For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, including kr ° °m°°' subscription to the National Intelligencer, to be bound and preserved for the use of the office, one thousand two hundred dollars. In the office of the First Auditor: 1st Audit¤r’¤ For blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, subscrip— °m°°‘ tion to the National Intelligencer, including one thousand five hundred dollars for furnishing rooms in the Treasury building for the office, and expenses of removing the office from its present location, three thousand dollars. In the office of the Second Auditor: 24 A¤di¢<>r’¤ For blank books, binding, stationery, office furniture, and miscellaneous °m°°‘ items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved, for the use of the office, and for additional office furniture for the contemplated increase of the clerical force of the office, two thousand dollars. In the office of the Third Auditor: 3d Auditor': For blank books, binding, stationery, office furniture, carpeting, two °*H°° newspapers, preserving iles and papers, bounty land service, and miscellaneous items, two thousand two hundred dollars. ‘ In the office of the Fourth Auditor: 4th Auditors For contingent expenses of the office, one thousand five hundred dol- °m°°· lars. In the office of the Fifth Auditor: 5th Auditor‘s For blank books, binding, office furniture, and miscellaneous expenses, °m°°- in which are included two daily newspapers, one thousand dollars. In the office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office De- Auditor for P. partment: O. Department. For blank books, binding and ruling, fumiture, carpeting, stationery, horse and carriage for the use of the office, labor, lights, and miscellaneous items, ten thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. In the office of the Treasurer: Troasurer’s For contingent expenses of the office, one thousand five hundred dol- °$°°· lars. In the office of the Register: R¤gi¤t¤r’¤ office- For ruling and full·binding books for recording collectors' quarterly abstracts of commerce and navigation, and blank abstracts for their use, blank books, binding, and stationery, arranging and binding cancelled marine papers, cases for official papers and records, and miscellaneous items, including office furniture and carpeting, six thousand dollars. Oiiice of the Solicitor of the Treasury : S<>licit¤r'¤ office- For blank books, binding, stationery, labor, and miscellaneous items, and for statutes and reports, two thousand two hundred dollars. Otiice of the Commissioner of Customs: Qlfioe of Com- For blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, two thousand {’;;*;°¤°' °*` C“°‘ dollars.