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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/390

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360 THIRTY-SEVENTH CON GRESS· Sess. II. Ch. 41. 1862. Lighbhouse Lighthouse Board: B°°'d‘ For stationery, miscellaneous expenses, and postage, six hundred dollars $0,,,;,,,,,, Ex. For the General Purposes of the Southeast Etcecuhfvc Building, includ. ecutive Building- ing the Extens~i:m.——For compensation of twelve watchmen and eleven laborers of the Southeast Executive Building, thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, fuel, light, labor, and miscellaneous items, twenty thousand dollars. _ Department of Department of the 1htereI0r.—-—For compensation of the Secretary of ¤h¤l{*°°*'i°'-, the Interior, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messengers, watchman, ,,,§,;°f°°my ° and laborers in his office, forty-one thousand seven hundred dollars. (mm} L,¤d_ For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Oihce, 0mm. and the recorder, draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, assistant messengers, packers, watchmen and laborers in his cilice, one hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and forty dollars. Additional For additional clerks in the General Land Office, under the act of third dqggé ch 207 March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, granting bounty land, v,,;_’,,_ i,_ mi and for laborers employed therein, fifty-eight thousand four hundred dol- Proviso- lars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior, at his discretion, shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to use any portion of said appropriation for piece work, or by the day, week, month, or year, at such rate or rates as he may deem just and fair, not exceeding a salary of twelve hundred dollars r annum. Coanmmmoner For ddempensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the clerks, °*`I"d*”' M°‘l”» messenger, assistant messenger, watcbmen, and laborer in his office, thirty- one thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. of Pensions. For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, and the clerks, messenger, assistant messengers, watchman, and laborers in his office, one hundred and ten thousand (ive hundred and forty dollars. C¤¤*i¤S¤¤¢ ¤¤· Contingent Em erases-- Department of the Lzterior. P°’S::.Q,m,y.8 0,; {nice of the Secretary of the Interior: tm. For books, stationery, furniture, fuel, lights, and other contingencies, and for books and maps for the library, seven thousand dollars. I For casual repairs of the Patent—Oiiice building, fifteen hundred dollars. For expenses of packing and distributing Congressional journals and _ documents, in pursuance of the provisions contained in the joint reso· V°l·¤¤· P· 2** lution of Congress approved twenty-eighth January, eighteen hundred 18w,ch.22. and fifty-seven, and act fifth February, eighteen hundred and fifty- V¤l.xi.p,a79. nine, six thousand dollars: .Pr0vz'ded, That the said journals and docw;f:n:g:%;’:£' umentsshall be sent to such libraries and public institutions only as

3:,;:}] {,,;,-,,,,1,;,, 5;:; signify a willingness to pay the cost of the transportation of the

A£.il§°°"”'"‘“ Omce of mann Affairs; ' For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, five thousand dollars. 0g¤¤°Y°l Lmd General Land Office: °°‘ For cash system and military patents, under laws prior to thirtietb September, eighteen hundred and fifty; patent and other records; tract books and blank books for this and the district land-offices; binding plats and iieldmotes; stationery, furniture, and repairs of same, and miscellaneous items, including two of the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; also, for contingent expenses, in addition, under swamp land act of twenty-eighth September, 1850,¢h·84· eighteen hundred and fifty, military bounty land acts of twenty-eighth 1850, ch. 85. September, eighteen hundred and fifty, and twenty-second March, eighteen 1852, ch. 19. hundred and nfty-two, and act thirty-first August, eighteen hundred and 1852,ch.114. fifty-two, for the satisfaction of Virginia land-warrants, and for contin- 1855, ch. 201 gent expenses under act of third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-five,