862 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41. 1862. Ssu·et¤ry’¤ cme- For compensation of the temporary clerks and messengers in the od-ice of the Secretary of War, ten thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. _ For compensation of additional clerks, messengers, and laborers in the ckgggltgbdm oniees of the Secretary of War, Adjutant General, Surgeon General, onices of Slam- Quartermaster General, Paymaster General, Chief Engmeer, Chief of WGS &°• Ordnance, and Commissary General, appointed under authorrtylot act of ,3832, 12, glanuaryl gventy-segengh, grghzeeré Sundred and sixty-two, sixty-three ¤ G. P- · thousand ree un re an six y dollars. Omoo of Adju- For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Adju-
- ’·¤"G°¤°”l• tant General, thirteen thousand six hundred and forty dollars.
g Q rt For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the ei G63N2m"- Quartermaster General, sixteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the temporary clerks and messengers in the Quartermaster Generals office, fifteen thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. or Paymsstsr For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Pay- G¤¤¤¤‘¤l» master General, twelve thousand four hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the temporary clerks in the office of the Paymaster General nine thousand dollars. of Commissary For cbmpensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the ofliee of G°”°'*lv the Commissary General, ten thousand and forty dollars. Fogeomppnmtipin of th; gemppmrg céegkpl in the office of the Commissary enera six thousand our un re dollars. of Surgeon For compdnsation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Sur- G°¤°'¤l• geon General, Eve thousand two hundred and forty dollars. GFor ciompenplation pif thimmpoyglclerk in the office of the Surgeon enera one thousand six un re dollars. Oy To gmpm. For cbmpensation of the. clerks, messenger, and laborer in the office of ¤¤1E¤Kr:¤¤¤» Topographical Engineers, ten thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Enhgprpegpsmpgnggtipguzgntéemporlarydcleiklslin the office of Topographical 1- . wo un re dollars. Mz: Chief E¤gi· E For oompeplsatéon of gre clerks gndl messenger in the office of the Chief • ngineer cig tthousand two hun re and forty dollars. of Colonel of For cdmpensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the 0'd”“°°· Colonel of Ordnance, twelve thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For compensation of the temporary clerks in the Office of the Colonel of gldnance, pro thousand fouruhunged dollars. Contin ss ntingent zpemss of the ar epurtment. ·--
- 6:;** m F Office of the Secretary of War: · ·
or blank books, stationery, books, maps, extra clerk hire, and miscellaneous items, eight thousand dollars. Olllce of the Adjutant General: thFor plank hbooglzdbgnging, stationery, and miscellaneous items, three ousan two un dollars. Office of the Quartermaster General: E30; blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, four thousan ollars. Ollice of the Paymaster General: 1:10; blalpk gorgllnsa blmding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousan vo un o rs. Omoo of the Chief Engineer: Iéo; blalpk gmsé binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousm ve un dollars. Ofiice of the Surgeon General: Iéog mk books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, one thousan 0 . Office of the Colonel of Ordnance: 1g0g blank books, binding, stationery, and miscellaneous items, two thousan ollars.