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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/391

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THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41. 1862. 361 granting bounty lands, patent, and other records, stationery, and miscellaneous items, on account of bounty land under said act, thirty thou— sand dollars. For fuel, lights, and incidental expenses attending the same, including pay of furnace-keeper, two thousand dollars. Pension Office: Pension omcg. For stationery, binding books, furniture, and repairing the same; miscellaneous items, including two daily city newspapers, to be tiled, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; and for engraving and retouching plates for bounty land warrants, printing and binding the same, ten thousand dollars. For compensation of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, and the Commissioner clerk and messenger in his office, four thousand two hundred dollars. Pl" P“bll° Bum' For stationery, blank books, plans, drawings, and other contingent lugs' expenses of the office of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, tive hundred dollars. Surveyors General and their C'lerks.—-For compensation of the sur- Snrveyors_Genveyor general of Wisconsin and Iowa, and the clerks in his office, eight °{:1k““d °‘°“` thousand three hundred dollars. ° dy;,,,,,,,,, md For compensation of the surveyor general of Oregon, and the clerks I<>W¤· in his office, seven thousand five hundred dollars, or¤s<>¤· For compensation of the surveyor general of California, and the clerks 'California. in his office, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of Washington Territory, Washington and the clerks in his office, seven thousand dollars. T°"‘°°'·Y‘ For compensation of the surveyor general of New Mexico, and the New Muang, clerks in his otiioe, seven thousand dollars. For compensation of translator in the office of the surveyor general of New Mexico, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six dollars and nine cents. For compensation of the surveyor general of Kansas and Nebraska, Kansas and and the clerks in his omce, eight thousand three hundred dollars. N°b*'”k¤- For compensation of the surveyor general of Minnesota, and the clerks Minnesota, in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. For compensation of the surveyor general of the Territory of Colo- Colorado Terrado, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand dollars. ¥i*°'Y· For compensation of the surveyor general of the Territory of Dakota, Dakota Terriand the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars. W5'- For rent of surveyor general’s office in Oregon, fuel, books, station- Oregon. ery, and other incidental expenses, one thousand four hundred dollars. For rent of surveyor generals office ih California, tizel, books, sta- California. tionery, and other incidental expenses, including pay of messenger, four thousand dollars. For office rent for the surveyor general of Washington Territory, Washington fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. T¢¤i*°¤`7· For rent of the surveyor generals office in New Mexico, fuel, books, New Mexico. stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand nine hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty-six cents. For office rent of the surveyor general of Kansas and Nebraska, Kansas and fuel, books, and incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. N°b'“k‘· For rent of the surveyor general’s office in the Territory of Colorado, (501,,,-Mgr, Te,. fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. fi¤¢>¢y· For rent of the surveyor general’s office in the Territory of Dakota, Dakota, Tm;. fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. my- For salary of the recorder of land titles in Missouri, five hundred mljsegggder in dollars. ' War Department.-—For compensation of the Secretary of War, and War department the clerks, messenger, assistant messenger, and laborer in his office,twenty~ five thousand dollars. vor..xu. Pur..-46