866 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41. 18622 Conrtarpenses of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also for jurors wl P¤‘°¤°¤“*·i°¤ and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeit- °r°”m°‘ ui-es incurred in the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and previous years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the satekeeping of prisqqers, one miphon dpllars. f tb _ ta c t F th Independent Independent easmy. -—· or sa aries 0 e assis n reasurers 0 e T*°°°“y' United States at New York, Boston, Charleston, and Saint Louis, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ _ For additional salaries of the treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia of one thousand dollars, and of the treasurer of the branch mint at New Orleans of five hundred dollars, one thousand five hundred dollars. For salaries of five additional clerks authorised by the acts of sixth 1846,ch. 90. August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and paid under acts of twelfth 1848, cn. 166. August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, third March, eighteen hundred 1851, Cb_ gg_ and fifty-one, third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and twenty- 1855. ¢h· 175- seventh July, eighteen hundred and s.ixty-one, six thousand dollars. 1861* °h‘ 2* For salary of additional clerks, messengers, and watchmen in onice of assistant treasurer at Boston, five thousand nine hundred dollars. For salaries of clerks, mgscggers, and watclplmen ip the ptiiqp fglae assistant treasurer at New or , twenty-one thousand one un re 0- lars. For additional amount for clerks, messenger, and watchmen in office of assistant treasurer at New York, ten thousand four hundred dollars. For salaries of clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of the assistant treasurer at St. Louis, four thousand five hundred dollars. $*¤¤¤\l¤>¤¢ In- For salaries of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors, appointed °p;g?;?;,h_ 10s_ under act of thirtieth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, for the betv01_ x_ P_ 61. ter protection of the lives of passengers, by steamboats, with travelling and other expenses incurred by them, eighty thousand dollars. For contingent expenses, under the act sixth August, eighteen hundred 1846.¢h·90· and forty-six, for the safe-keeping, collection, transfer, and disbursement V°l· ix- P- 59- of t.he public revenue, in addition to premium which has been or may be P*°Vi¤°· received on transfer drafts: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended for clerical services, five thousand dollars. L*b°"°"'v For compensation to the laborer in charge of the water-closets in the- "i°hm°°’ &°' Capitol, four hundred and thirty-eight dollars. fpr mrgppnsation to the public gardener, one thousand four hundred an orty dollars. For compensation of a foreman and twenty-one laborers employed in the public grounds, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. For compensation of the keeper of the western gate, Capitol square, eight hundred and seventy-six dollars. For compensation of two day watchmen employed in the Capitol square, one thousand two hundred dollars. For compensation of two night watchmen employed at the President’s House, one thousand two hundred dollars. d go; qpmpensation of the doorkeeper at the President’s House, six hunre dollars. For compensation of the assistant doorkeeper at the Presidenfs House, six hundred dollars. For compensation of one night watchman employed for the better protection of the buildings lying south of the Capitol, and used as public stables and carpenters' shops, six hundred dollars. For compensation of watchmen employed on reservation number two, six hundred dollars. atwwsrsw For compensation of four draw-keepers at the Potomac bridge, and for fuel, oil, and lamps, three thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars.
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