THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 41. 1862. 357 For compensation of two draw-keepers at the two bridges across the eastern branch of the Potomac, and for fuel, oil, and lamps, one thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. For salary and other necessary expenses of the Metropolitan police for M°*'°P°ll“" the District of Columbia, one hundred thousand dollars. P01m` For furnace-keeper at the President’s House, six hundred dollars. To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to employ a keeper of the three furnaces under the old hall of the House of Representatives, six hundred dollars. For a deficiency for the present fiscal year for keeping said furnaces Deficiency for nine months, four hundred dollars. f‘“““°°S· Expenses of the Uollection of Revenue from Lands. Collection of To meet the expenses of collecting the revenue from the sale of Egggfm from public lands in the several States and Territories: For salaries and commissions of registers of land offices and receivers p;` public moneys, two hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred dolrs. For expenses of depositing public moneys by receivers of public moneys, twenty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. For incidental expenses of the several land offices, forty thousand dollars. Penitentiary. ——_For compensation of the warden, clerk, physician, chap- P¤¤if¤¤¢i¤1‘y lain, assistant keepers, guards, and matron of the penitentiary 'of the District of Columbia, sixteen thousand and eighty dollars. For compensation of three inspectors of said penitentiary, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the support and maintenance of said penitentiary, thirteen thousand two hundred and ninety-three dollars and seventy-five cents. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the Appropriation same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not oth- ?" WM °“d‘,“9 . . . . . . une 30 1862. erwise appropriated, for the service of the fiscal year ending thirtieth of ’ June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, viz. : __ For keeping in repair and partially finishing and furnishing the Post rost-otiice Oilice building, to be expended under the direction of the Postmaster b“‘ld"‘g· General, twenty thousand dollars. For paper and printing blanks for the Executive Departments, thirty Paper and thousand dollars. bl““k$· For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others receiv- Contingent cxing an annual salary in the employ of the House of Representatives, three §,$"§;;rg;e5,;?S° thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven dollars and twenty-four cents. tives. For compensation of clerks to committees, and temporary clerks in the omce of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, eight hundred and twelve dollars. For twenty-four copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix for each member and delegate in the first regular session of the thirty-seventh Congress, four thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars and forty cents. For folding documents, ten thousand dollars. For furniture and repairs, and boxes for members, seven thousand dollars. ~For newspapers, nine thousand three hundred dollars. For stationery, eight thousand three hundred and seventy dollars. I For contingent expenses of the Senate, namely : C<>¤¤!;_g§¤f 6;* For compensation of three messengers appointed under authority of a muses ° °°°' S` resolution of the Senate of July nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- one, three thousand six hundred dollars. For binding, twenty thousand dollars. For lithographing and engraving, thirty thousand dollars. For stationery, twelve thousand dollars.
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