THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 46, 4.7. 1862. 371 42. XLVI.-An Act aulharbi Fhwts to issue in Satis aclfam 0 Claims ainsl the , c¤United Slateifq {Hands sold by {gm within the Las and ia Nana agrants, in th¢S!a¢cqf uwuma. Be it enacted ly the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United Slazcs of America in Congress assembled, That. it shall be the duty of Cmidcms the Commissioner of the General Land Oificc to issue and deliver to '“’*Y b°é;°‘;°d *° the respective owner or owners of the Las Ormigas and La Nana tracts gxga, ag; of land, formerly situatc in the parish of Natchitoches, now parishes Nana tracts of of Sabine and Dc Soto, in the State of Louisiana, or to his or their 1““d‘ assigns or other legal representatives, certificates or i·1oats, in the usual form, for so much land as may have been at any time heretofore sold, donated, granted, or reserved by the United States within said tracts of land or cither of them; and which certificates or`fI0ats may be I0- How located. zatcd by the owner or bolder thereof on any lands belonging to the United States, and subject to private entry at a. price not exceeding one dollar and twentyfdvc cents per acre, and which certificates or Boats shall be in full satisfaction of all claims against the United States for `lands so sold, donated, granted, or reserved: Provided, That as a con- Tide tobotimt ditiou precedent to the issuing of the Boats hsreinbcfore authorized, the "h°"“· claimant, or claimants, shall present to the Commissioner of the General Land Offica satisfactory evidence of title thereto, and that such claimants have been and continue to be loyal to the Government of the United States: And pravidedfurzher, Thats such certificates and floats Certificates not shall not exceed in gross seventeen thousand four hundred and seventy- seven and sixty-two hundredths acres. Sm. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect im- When act w mcdiately. °°k° °f°°°‘ APPROVED, March 17, 1862. CHA!. XI»VIL—An Act to provide` the A `ntment o Sutlerc in the Wvlumeer March 19, 1862. Service, andftgrdefine Duties. f ARM P 331 Be it enacted by the Senate and H>use <y"Representatives of the United States ¢y" America in Congress assembled, That the inspcctongencrals of Bm-dgopm. the army shall constitute a board of officers, whose duty it shall be to P;**°;i¤*<>*;l¤*‘*i; prepare, immediately after the passage of this act, a. list or schedule °r °° °" ° of the following articles which may be sold by sutlers to the officurs and soldiers of the volunteer service, to wit: Apples, dried apples, Lisc. oranges, Egs, lemons, butter, cheese, milk, sirup, molasses, raisins, candles, crackers, wallets, brooms, comforters, boots, pocket looking-glasses, pins, gloves, leather, tin washbasins, shirt buttons, hom and brass buttons, newspapers, books, tobacco, cigars, pipes, matches, blacking, blacking brushes, clothes brushes, tooth brushes, hair brushes, coarse and fine combs, cmery, crocus, pocket haudkerchiefs, stationery, armor oil, sweet oil, rotten stone, razor straps, razors, shaving soap, soap, suspendcrs, scissors, shoestrings, needles, thread, knives, pencils, and Bristol brick. Said list or schedule shall be subject, from time to time, to such revis- Qubjecttoroion and change as, in the judgment of the said board, the good of the “¤*°¤· service may require : Provided, always, That no intoxicating liquors shall Ng intoxicatat any time be contained therein, or the sale of such liquors be in any ¤*€ h<1¤°¤‘¤- way authorized by said board. A copy of said list or schedule, and Copy or list, 0f any subsequent change therein, together with a copy of this gut, §:K£b°*`°*‘· shall be, without delay, furnished by said board to the commandxpg ` oiiccr of each brigade and of each regiment not attached to any brigade in the volunteer service, and also to the adjutant-general of the arm . Sic. 2. And be ilfurther enacted, That immediately upon the receipt Anotheij board from said board of said list or schedule and copy of this act by the Z'; 51m:1_é’§§°i¤°° commanding officcr of any such brigade, the aeaing brigadier-gensrul, th,,im,,,,,d surgeon, quaxtcrmasber, and sommissary of said brigade shall constntutc make r¤p¤r¢,&¤·
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