872 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 47. 1862. a board of omcers whose duty it shall be to afiix to each article in said list or schedule a price for said brigade, which shall be by them forthwith reported to the commanding officer of the division, if any, to which said brigade is attached, for his approval, with or without modincation, and who shall, after such approval, report the same to the inspectorgenerals, and the same, if not disapproved by them, shall be the price not exceeding which said articles may be sold to the officers and soldiers in said brigade. Whenever any brigade shall not be attached to a division said prices shall then be reported directly to the inspectorgenerals, and if approved by them, shall be the price fixed for such brigade as aforesaid; and whenever any regiment shall be unattached to any brigade the acting colonel, lieutenant-colonel, major, and captains thereof shall constitute the board of officers by whom the price of said articles shall be fixed for said regiment in the same manner as is herein provided for an unattached brigade. The prices so Hxed may P¤‘l¤¤¤ ¤¤¤>’l>¤ be changed by said boards respectively from time to time, not oftener °l"""°d*&°' than once in thirty days, but all changes therein shall be reported in like manner and for the same purpose as when originally' fixed. Brigade com- S20. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the ¤¤¤¤d°* *° %¤“¤° commanding officer of each brigade, immediately upon receipt of a copy f,:;%°§°:.°°,,§h°°` of said list or schedule and copy of this act, as herein provided, to cause regiment. one sutler for each regiment in his brigade to be selected by the commissioned officers of such regiment, which selection shall be by him Report. reported to the adjutant-general of the army; the person so selected shall be sole sutler of said regiment. And the commanding officer of each unattached regiment shall, in like manner, cause a selection of a. sutler to be made for said regiment, who shall be sole sutler of said Vacancy, how regiment. Any vacancy in the office of sutler from any cause shall 6U6d- be filled in the same way as an original appointment. gugm ,0 cho,. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sutlers chosen in the man- ¤¤t<»h¤Y¤ A lim ner provided in the preceding section shall be allowed a lien only upon 3;};:; 2’3hP°‘°° the pay of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the ’ regiment for which he has been chosen, or those stationed at the post to which he has been appointed, and for no greater sum than one sixth of the monthly pay of each officer, non-commissioned officer, or private for articles sold during each month; and the amount of one sixth or less than one sixth of the pay of such officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, so sold to him by the sutler, shall be charged on the pay- rolls of such officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, and deducted from his pay, and paid over by the paymaster to the sutler of the regi- Penalty for at- ment or military post, as the case may be: Provided, That if any pay- lwmz °’ P¤Yl¤8 master in the service of the United States shall allow or pay any °gr°°‘m °°m’ greater sum to any sutler than that hereby authorized to be retained from the pay of the officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, for articles sold by any sutler during any one month, then the amount so allowed or paid by the paymaster shall be charged against the said paymaster and deducted from his pay and returned to the officer, non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, against whom the amount was originally charged. And any captain or lieutenant _ or for certify- commanding a company who may certify any pay—roll bearing a charge
- §£
- ¥_";3g1f°' in favor of the sutler against any officer, non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, larger or greater than one sixth of the monthly pay
of such officer, non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, shall be Sutlerstosell punished at the discretion of a court-martial: Provided, however, That
¤m°l°¤l¤ sutlers shall be allowed to sell only the articles designated in the list
’ or schedule provided in this act, and none others, and at prices not to have no exceeding those affixed to said! articles, as herein provided: And promo?: vided further, That the sutlers shall have no legal claim upon any offi- Mw ’ cer, non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, to an amount ex-