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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/405

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 50, 51, 52. 1862. 375 proceeds of any sale of the property, final or interlocutory, in the custody of the court. In case of a decree of restitution upon payment of costs, where no sale has been made, such charges and expenses shell constitute part of said costs to be paid by the claimant. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the prize commissioners, and Pay Orman also the district attorney, acting For the United States, and the counsel for °°mmiS¤l°¤€'¤ the captors, shall be entitled to receive a. just and suitable compensation :?g,,fe;h°m°t for their several and respective services in each prize case or proceeding;i and the same shall be adjusted and determined by the court upon due con- how determined sideration of the facts and circumstances of each case and of the services *“‘d P“‘d· actually rendered therein ; and the same, when so adjusted, shall, in case of iinal condemnation or restitution on payment of costs, be paid out of POM, p·760- the proceeds of the prize property in the custody of the court, or when no sale has been made, in whole or in part, as the court may direct by the claimant. Sec. 4. And be 12 further enacted, That whensoever a final decree of Pr=>¤¤¤di¤s¤ condemnation of property captured as prize shall have been made, unless an interlocutory sale has been made as hereinbefore provided for, the ` property shall be sold by the United States marshal pursuant to the prac- OfS:;fé"P'°°°°d" tice and proceedings in admimlty, and the gross proceeds of such sale ` shall be forthwith deposited in court; and thereupon the prize commissioners shall proceed, under the direction of the court, to take the requisite evidence, and report the same to the court, to the end that a iinal decree shall be made determining what public ships of the United States are en- Shares of pubtitled to share in the prize, and whether the prize was of superior, equal, li° V°”°l°· or inferior force to the vessel or vessels xylcing the capture, and within thirty days after the entry of the same the clerk of the court shall transmit to the Treasury of the United States the moneys so deposited in court, together with a certified copy of the said decree, after deducting from said moneys the costs of court and the charges and expenses hereinbefore provided for. Sec. 5. And be it further enacteed That the provisions of this act ID: what cases shall apply as well to cases now pending as to all future eases of maritime ;l"S]’*°* **1**11 captures, and to captures and seizures made under the laws for the aboli— pp y' tion of the slave trade ; and all laws and parts of laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. APPROVED, March 25, 1862. CHAP. LI. -—An Act in Addition to an Act to rqimd and remit the Duties on Arms April 2, 1862. deported by States, approved July len, cig/dem hundred and sixty-one. ’t";‘ Be it enacted dy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sguglgswggigzmgp States of America in Congress assembled, That the authority given to mg}, 5,, umu, the Secretary of the Treasury to refund and remit the duties and imposts tingon all arms imported into the United States by or for the account of any State as provided in the act to which this is an addition, shall extend to arms For which orders or contracts were made prior to the first day of _ January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two: Provided, That said Secre— P’°“’°‘ tary shall have satisfactory proofs exhibited to him that the said arms were actually purchased in a. foreign country for account of a State, and that the price paid for the same hy the State was only the first cost, and the usual and customary charges attending the purchase and importation of the same, exclusive of duty. APPROVED, April 2, 1862. CHAP. LD’.——·An Act to provide for the equitable Settlement nf the Accounts of the April 2, 1862. Oficers and Crews of the Frigate Congress and other Vessels. "'“"`—' "" Bc it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembkd, That the proper accounting officers