874 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 49, 50. 1862. ·‘ . .— to the O cer.: and Men actuall em Io ed in the West-
CHAPer§LDIQ¥artmgz;t ‘:rdD m of Misiimh, their Pay, Bou`Z1ty,£zag Pension.
i Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Pay to_otBcers States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War "“d "’°“ "‘ *h° be and he is hereby, authorized and required to allow and pay to the omdepurtmem: of ’ . . . . . the We t or of cers, DOD·C0mmlSS10D8d officers, musxcmns, and pnvates who have been Ni¤¤<>¤1‘i· heretofore actually employed in the military service of the United States, whether mustered into actual service or not, where their services were PM, I>p· 385, accepted and actually employed by the generals who have been in com- 8% mend of the department of the West, or the department of the Missouri, the pay and bounty as in cases of regular enlistment. Pensions. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers, non-commissioned oflzlcers, musicians, and privates so employed, who may have been wound— ed or incapacitated for service, shall be entitled to and receive the pension Proviso. allowed for such disability: Provided, That the length and character of their enlistment and service be such as to entitle them under existing laws to such nsion. _Heirs ofthoss Sec. And` be it further enacted, That the heirs of those killed km"- &°·· E° in battle, or of those who may have died from wounds received while so have bounty and . . . . . P,)-, m servnee, shall be entitled to rece1ve the bounty and pay to whnch they would have been entitled had they been regularly mustered into service: Pr0vis<>· Provided, That the bounty and pay referred to in this act shall not be payable unless their term of enlistment and service be of such duration as to entitle them to receive the same, according to existing laws. Approved, March 25, 1862. March 25, 1862. Ch.u>. L. -·An Act to facilitate Judicial Procudings in Aepudications upon Captured ""‘*""""""‘· Property, and jbr the better Administralian of the Law of Prize. _ Prize commu- Be it enacted Q1] the Senate and House of Representatives of the United °'°“°”¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever RD}; property captured as prize shall be brought into any district of the United States _ for adjudication, it shall be the duty of the prize commissioners for such kezjlssgixsegud district forthwith to receive, seal, and safely keep the same, until process property. shall be issued out of the court, under which the same shall be placed in the custody of the marshal of such district. It shall be the further duty to examine gud of said prize commissioners, at the time of taking such possession, and
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- gl;‘“g'L;f‘ from time to time pending the adjudication, to examine into the condition
’ of said property, and report to the court if the same, or any part thereof} be perishing or perishable, or deteriorating in value; and if the same be so found by the court, upon said report or other evidence, the court may thereupon order an interlocutory sale thereof by the United States marshal, and the deposit of the gross proceeds of such sale in the registry of the court to abide the further order of the court, whether a claim to said 4., rgggivg pgpgu property has or has not been interposed. It shall be the further duty of ¤¤d d0<=¤¤¤¢¤¤- the said prize commissioners to receive from the prize master all the papers and documents, and forthwith to proceed to take the testimony of the witnesses prescribed by law, pursuant to the rules and under the interrogatories adopted by the court, and separately from each other and unattended by counsel, and the said papers, documents, and testimony, com w ¤d_mu_ securely to seal with thexr seals, and as soon as practicable deposit in the me pmmpd’y_ registry of the court; and thereafter, promptly and without unnecessary delay, the court shall proceed to hearing and adjudication. wllflgsgsgm $1*10. 2. And be it f;!,LTf/IET enacted, That all reasonable and proper how mfggwdp clmms and charges for pxlotage, towage, wharfage, storage, insurance, and allowed, and other expenses mcxdent to the bringing in and safe custody and sale -of p¤¤d· the property lcaptured as prize, shall be u charge upon the same, and having been andnted and allowed by the court, shall, in event of a decree of eondemnatmon or of restxtution on payment of costs, be paid out of the