536 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch.145, 146. 1862 July 11, 1862- Cr-nr. CXLV.—-An Act to amend an Act entitled "An act to divide the Staieqf Illinois
im two Judicial Dise»~i¢¢s," approved Fel»·uary 13, 1855.
V<·l· Kip- 606· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C¤¤¤*i¤¤ Of States of America in Congress assembled, That the counties of Hancock gzgsfgugd and McDonough, in the State ot: Illinoisi be, and the same are hereby, transferred to detached from the northern district of Illinois, and the same are hereby
- ‘}“{H$;gig"“‘°* attached to the southern district of Illinois, and said counties shall here-
` after constitute a part of said southern district of Illinois the same as if said counties had originally belonged to said southern district. Provision for S20. 2. And be it further enacted That in any suit or suits pendinv l’°“d‘“g ““‘°" at the time of the passage of this act either in the circuit or district coma of the northern district of Illinois where any such suit or suits could originally have been brought in the southern district of Illinois if said counties of Hancock and McDonough had, at the time of commencing any such suit or suits, formed a part of said southern district, any party to any such suit or suits, upon application to the court, upon the oath either _0f such party, his or her a<»·ent or attorney, may have any such cause, together with the original files thereof and a certified copy of the recor e or ers or ecrees in said cause, rans erre 0 e sout ern isddd d ‘ 'd tfdtth hd' trict of Illinois; any such cause, when so transferred, shall be heard and determined by the circuit or district court, as the case may be, in and for said southern district of Illinois, as if such cause had been orivinully commenced in the circuit or district court in and for said southerncdistrict. Pf:;¢2» IWW Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all process issued out of either mv ’ °' the circuit or district court for the northern district of Illinois prior to the passage of this act, and not served before its passage, shall be served and returned in the same manner as if this act had not been passed. J;g?§é'*§;*&£; Sec. And beet further enacted, That in all causes pending either in now executed_ ’ the circuit or distract court for the northern district of Illinois at the time of the passave of this act, which shall proceed to final judvment or decree without beirig removed from said northern to said southerrri district according to the provisions of this act, such judgments or decrees shall have like effect as though said counties of Hancock and McDonough had not been detached from said northern district; and any party thereto shall be entitled to have any such judgments or decrees executed by like final process or otherwise, the same as if the said counties of Hancock and McDonough had not been detached from said northern district, which said process shall also be executed and returned in the same manner as if said counties had not been detached from said northern district. 8_Y:9P¤¤l of ¤¤¤· S20. 5. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act to which
pm` this is an amendment as is in conflict herewith be, and the same is hereby,
repealed. Aymovso, July 11, 1862. Jury 11, 1362. Gun. CXLVI.—-An Acmmceming certain Lands hmzzqiizre granted la me Smze iyfpwa. gemgn 1,,,48 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §{¤T¤:;i ga {9;*3, States of America in Congress assembled, That the five sections of land uizcconiditimi :2 granted to the State of Iowa, by the third subdivision of section six of an me grant. act entitled "An act supplemental to the act for the admission of the ¥;5·:hé7§Ib%6· States of Iowa and Florida into the Union," approved March third, `' eighteen hundred and forty-five, be, and the same are hereby, released and discharged from the limitation contained in said section; and the general assembly of the State of Iowa may make such disposition of said land as may be deemed best for the interests of said State. Awnovim, July 11, 1862.