THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 155, 156. 1862. 589 adirmation required as aforesaid may be made by the attorney or agent of said non-resident or resident absentees; and in all cases in which the R°*¤¤¤¤i¤ *b¤ statements or petitions, required as aforesaid, of persons in the military or :;.l;i:;·Y °t "vd naval service of the United States, shall have been or may be hereafter ' verified before any commander of any military post, or of any officer having a separate command of any military force in the Held, or before any captain, commander, or lieutenant commanding in the navy, the same shall be received and deemed valid, to all intents and purposes, as fully as if the verification had been or were made before any officer competent by law to take and administer oaths and aiiirmations: Provided That the P¤‘°Vi¤•>· commissioners shall be satisfied that, at the time of the verification aforesaid, the person making the same was employed in the military or naval service of the United States within the jurisdiction of a rebellious State or Territory, and unable to make the oath or allirmation required, as aforesaid, before any officer authorized by law to take or administer the same, holding allegiance to the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted That if any person having claim to Irsny person, the service or labor of any person or persons in the District of Columbia h¤'l¤H <§l¤i¤¤ W by reason of African descent, shall neglect or refuse to file with the clerk gi-z;;?::; of the circuit court of the District of Columbia the statement in writing, lsctsto filecllaim, or schedule provided in the ninth section of the act approved April six- git Eck fl¥"° teen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to which this is supplementary, y Hmm' then it shall be lawful for the person or persons, whose services are claimed as aforesaid, to file such statement in writing or schedule setting forth the particular facts mentioned in said ninth section; and the said cmu, to be ,.°_ clerk shall receive and record the same as provided in said section, on ceived. receiving fifty cents each therefor. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That whenever the facts set forth Clgrk *°_,S¤¤¤° in the said statement or schedule shall be found by the commissioners to ,;°:i,;,l,, m be true, the said clerk and his successors in orhce shall prepare, sign, and found to be true. deliver certificates, as prescribed in the tenth section of the act to which this is supplementary, to such person or persons as shall file their statements in pursuance of the foregoing section, in all respects the same as if such statements were filed by the person having claim to their service or labor. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted That all persons held to service or 31,,.,.,8;,, gny labor under the laws of any State, and who at any time since the six- Smlge <:¤}I¥<>>‘;<>d teenth day of April, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two, by the g,,,;,,:;: ,*},3,. consent of the person to whom such service or labor is claimed to be April 16, 1862,to owing, have been actually employed within the District of Columbia, or be f'°°· who shall be hereafter thus employed, are hereby declared free, and forever released from such servitude, anything in the laws of the United States or of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That in all judicial proceedings in Emr ngitg the District of Columbia there shall be no exclusion of any witness on gztha Bgtrhsgf account of color. Columbia. Approved, July 12, 1862. . .—0 s vera] Indian Tribes invested b the Jul 12, 1862. cxlildizegidgi in S':l¢feh'll;lzd•dsTt?drFn¢{dl;ld3frbmezhe Custody or the late Socretaoii; of Q""";' the Interior. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Credits to be States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- given ,0 certain ury be, and hereby is, directed to cause to be entered upon the proper Indian tripes for books of his department the following credits to the Indian tribes herein l’°“d“ ”*° °“· Dumed, to wit: To the Delawares the sum of four hundred and twenty- D¢l¤W¤f¤¤- three thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars and twenty-six cents ; to the Iowas the sum of sixty-six thousand seven hundred and thirty-tivo I0W¤¤·
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