540 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 156, 157. 1862. K¤5¤k¤¤ki¤¤. dollars, and to the coufederate bands of Kaskaskias, Peorias, Pianke. 5‘°:f:,“;n§€}‘;;f shaws, and Weas, the sum of one hundred and sixty-nine thousand six ’ hundred and eighty-six dollars and seventy-five cents; which said amounts are for and in place of the same amounts heretofore invested by the government under treaty stipulations with said tribes in the bonds of the States of Missouri, Tennessee, and North Carolina, which were stolen while in the custody of Jacob Thompson, late Secretary of the Interior, in whose department they had been deposited for safe-keeping. Sum hddiu Sw. 2. And be it further enacted, That said entries shall be and g1;":;;:?,;?;"` remain evidence that the United States holds the said several sums named thereon. in trust for said tribes respectively, and the treasurer of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to pay to said tribes, respectively, on requisitions by the Secretary of the Interior, interest on the sums credited as aforesaid, at the rate of five per centum per annum, in semi-annual payments, on the first days of January and July in each year, the first of said payments to be on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixt -three. Stolen bonds Sync. 3. And be it further enacted, That all interest which said tribes {‘}n‘;f;g“L§ t;‘;;h° may have had in said bonds, as aforesaid, is hereby terminated, and the ' same is vested in the United States; and any recovery, or reclamation of the same, or any part thereof, shall be for the use and benefit of the United States. nppmprmiou Sec. 4. And be it fimher enacted, That the sum of fifty thousand and {;':'n£°’°“ °° sixty-six dollars and sixty-four cents is hereby appropriated, out of any ` money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of interest 1:0 the tribes aforesaid on the sums invested in the bonds aforesaid, from the date of the last payment of interest on said bonds to the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to wit: the sum of thirty-two thousand three hundred and seven dollars and ninety-one cen'ts to said Delawztres, five thousand and thirty-two dollars and twenty-three cents to said Iowas, and twelve thousand seven hundred and twenty-six dollars and fiéty cents to the said confedemte bands of Kaskaskias, Peorias, Piaukes laws, and Weas. Mt *’•‘b¢¤ tv Sm:. 5. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take efcct and m$::’t;Q%s be in force only in relation to such of the tribes aforesaid as shall file with the Secretary of the Interior their assent, in writing, to so much thereof as relates to them respectively. APPROVED, July 12, 1862. July 12, 1862. Can. CLVII.—An Act to provide for the uieting-of cerlain Land Tides in the Ialc """`“`”""" disputed Territory in the State of Zlaine, and for other Purpwes.
J’;§£c: ¤;: £¤ Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
mm to md fn States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Maine to Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to pay, out of bhk°¤'°· A- S*°b· any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Laura A. Steb· Cgumine C bins, of Bangor, in the State of Maine; Catherine C. Ward, of Roxbury, Wye}, in the State of Massachusetts; Rufus Mansur, of Houlton, in the State Ja;:: *3;*:: of Maine; and James A. Drew, of Chelsea, in the State of Massachusetts, the sum of thirty-three hundred and fifty-three dollars each, being in ull the sum of thirteen thousand four hundred and t.wenty-two dollars, in fhll compensation for three thousand three hundred and fifty-three acres of land, including the timber previously taken therefrom, in the half township in the State of Maine, granted by the State of Massachusetts to the Inte General Eaton, and called the “Eaton Grant," to which Vol. viii. p. 574. said parties lost title by the operation of the fourth article of the treaty of ninth August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, “ to settle and GGHHB the boundary between the United States and the possessions of her Britannie Llegesty in North America:" Provided, That the said Laura A. Stebbins, atherine C. Ward, Rufus Mansur, and James A. Drew shall