I`HIRTY—-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 160, 161, 163. 1862. 543 States, for the rancho lying in the State of California known by the ,D€°’°°° °* di¤ name of Saujon de Santa Rita, a decree filed on the ninth day of F ob- in ruary, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, was entered, confirming to the California as to said Soberanas the said tract of land known by the name of Saujou do Pgd ?l°““é °g Santa Rita; and whereas, on tho presentation of the mandate of the ta $3,;% c€¤? Supreme Court of the United States, dismissing the appeal to the said mM8d- Supreme Court of the United States in said cause, the said decree was made Hnal by a decree of said district court, rendered on the first day of November, eighteen hundred and sixty; and whereas the land confirmed as aforesaid lies in the northern district of California, as ascertained by a final survey of the same: Therefore- Be it enacted {gy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the said decrees of the district court of the United States for the southern district of California shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, as valid and effectual as if the same had been rendered by the district court of the United States for the northern district: of California. APPROVED, July 12, 1862. CHAP. CLXI.— An Act ccnjirming a Land Claimgn the State of Iowa, and for other July 12, 1862. Purposes. “Y—‘_' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oohgress assembled, That the grant of lands be the F°’m°*` g’°·¤* then Territory of Iowa for the improvement of the Des Moines River, ggzlggzf) Im made by the act of August eight, eighteen hundred and forty-six, is 18461Ch. 103. hereby extended so as to include the alternate sections (designated by odd V°1·“‘· P· 77· numbers) lying within five miles of said river, between the Raccoon fork and the northern boundary of said State; such lands are to be held and Lunds howfv applied in accordance with the provisions of the original grant, except b° Mm' that the consent of Congress is hereby given to the application of a portion thereof to aid in the construction of the Kcokuk, Fort Des Moines, and Minnesota railroad, in accordance with the provisions of the act of the general assembly of the State of Iowa, approved March twenty-two, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. And if any of said lands shall have If emylands been sold or otherwise disposed of by the United States before the passage h¤v<:1b<;¤¤ di?- of this act, excepting those released by the United States to the grantees H$€1a;js°€0°{,:° of the State of Iowa under the joint resolution of March second, eighteen given. hundred and sixty-two, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to set apart an equal amount of lands within said State to be certi’ded in lieu thereof: Provided, That if the said State shall have sold and con- Proviso. veyed any portion of the lands lying within the limits of this grant the title of which has proved invalid, any lands which shall be ccrtificd to said State in lieu thereof by virtue of the provisions of this act shall inure to, and ba held as a trust fund for the bcneét of} the person or persons respectively whose titles shall have failed as aforesaid. Am-u0vm>, July 12, 1862. CHA?. CLXHI.—-An Act increasing, igmporarily, the Duties on Imports, and jbr other July 14, 1862. ll7pOSCS. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the first i3)E;fS ;t%“? :*:;: day of August, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in lieu of m€s the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and mor- AM, P- 292- chandise, herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say: On sirup of sugar, qr of sugar cane, or concentrated molasses, or cou- Simp of sugar, centrated melado, two cents per pound; &°‘
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