542 THIRTY·—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 158, 159, 160. 1862. July 12, 1862. Cnr, CLVIII.-An Act to provide for the Pqyment of Fines and Penalties collected by '_""";" or paid the Juattles of the Peace an the Dzstrtct of C'0Zumbza under the Acts of C'0ngress gqoravcd the thtrd and of August, ezghben hundred and szrty-one, and for other Justioes of the WP""' §¢¤•=¤_¤> ¤‘¤I:l<>¤ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unmd &‘f:,::Qg;S2hg States of America in Congress asscmbkd, That the several justices of the liquor lay in peace of the District of Columbia. who have imposed fines under the acts g'5£'n*{g;°*°f of Congress approved the third and fifth days of August, eighteen hun- 1861 ch; 39 M_ dred and sixty-one, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of July, eighteen 29E4ué, pp. ém, hundred and sixty-two, make a full and Faithful report of their doings in · that behalf stating the name of the party the amount of line imposed, P°”» P- 626- and the name of the witnesses examined in,each case, to the superintend- To pay over ent of metropolitan police, and shall pay over all moneys in their hands “°“°Y’· arising from such fines to the said superintendent; and such of said jus- _ Penal on tices as shall fail by the time specified to make such report, and comply l“¤°" zi" with the other provisions of this law, shall be liable to a Hue of not less mgmf than three hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, to be collected from said justices by prosecution in the criminal court in the said District of Columbia; and it shall be the duty of the superintendent of metropolmmfwu itan police to inspect the dockets kept by the said justices of the peace, or the purpose of ascertaining the amount so collected as aforesaid by them; and the said justices shall submit their dockets to the inspection Penalty. of the said superintendent; and failing to do so, shall pay a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, to be collected as above. Justim to re- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That said justices of the peace shall, QQ': PQ;/‘,“;‘;l;Y on or before the fifteenth day of July in each and every year, make a full moneys. and faitl1ful report of their doinvs as aforesaid for the preceding year to the superintendent of metropolitan police, and shall pay over all moneys in their hands arising from such Enes to the said superintendent; and if any justice of the peace of the District of Columbia shall fail to comply Penalty. with the provisions of this law, he shall be liable to a fine of not less than three hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, to be collected as provided in the first section of this act. Approved, July 12, 1862. July 12, 1862. Can. CLIX. -— An Act {ordthe Reliegpf of the Land Officeat Vincennes, n wma, an oro! rpcses. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United H{$g¤1te;_¤iL¤E¤d States of Avrwrica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the
- ’mt¤'b° slows', Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized t6 make such allowance for
an office mtg. ofdce reptdduring the temporary continuance of the land office at Vuicennes n iana as may in his opinion, be just and proper. Jolgnylnincnt ta i Simi 2. .f4nd’be it jhrthev- enacted, That the said Secretary be authormst';dy°(;¥Tm_' ized to adjust the account of John Moore, postmaster at Vincennes, pers. · Indiana, and allow him, at the usual rates for such services, compensation for the custody of the books, papers, and so forth, of the land office at Yincennes, Indiana, during the time the same were in his charge, under instructions from the Commissioner of the General Land Oiilcc, dated September third, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight; these allowances to be paid out of the appropriation for incidental expenses of district land Emacs: frrgvzddid, That the total sum paid undcr this act shall not exceed ve un re dollars. Approved, July 12, 1862.
CHA!. CLK. j—An Act for Reliefin line Land (Hain: in California, known as the Claim
of Francwco Soberanea to a Tract of Land known as “Soujon de Santa Rita." Whereas, in the district court of the United States for the southern district of Calxfornxa, m the case of Francisco Soberanes va. The United