738 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 76. 1863. · · ‘ h same time declare to said consul, vice-consul, orm&“€2‘¥%¤€‘€=¤$° ZZ1E52E22S? S§`Sll ii; ,11,, in the um sm it which it is inteyded ,0 °" °°'°h’ make entry of said goods, wares, or merchautlise; whereupon1tiefsaid consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent shall ind0rse luponeeac 1] o sang triplicates a. certificate, under his hand and 0mC13l sea , statnnlg at said invoice has been produced to hrm, with the date of such pro uction, an the name of the person by whom the same was produced, end the port in the United States at which it shall be the declared intention to make entry of the goods, wares,' or merchandise therein mentnoneeld {md to whom to de- thereupon the said consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent s ga e (aver U"' the “““‘“‘ to the person producing the same one of sand triplxmtiséo e use in making entry of said goods, wares, or merchandise; sha e smot er m his office, to be there carefully preserved; and shall, as soon as practicable, transmit the remainlingdone todthe cgollectorr ofeghenyogtggggiglmteg (` hall e ec are to e 16 m 1 _ gxcgoiiwilsllllitiiiliehl hr merchandise. And no goods, wares, or merchandise G°°d$» &°·· mt imported into the United States from any forengn place or country nfter gx? uigsllgggduig said first day of July, eighteen hundred and sxxty~three, shall be admitted invoice ccmbrms to an entry unless the invoice presented shall in all respects conform to b°‘°*°· the requirements hereinbefore menuoned, and shall have thereon the certificate of the consul, vice-consul, or commercial. agent herembefore specified, nor unless said invoice be verified at the time of making such entry by the oath or affirmation of the owner or consignee, or the authorized agent of the owner or consignee thereof, certifying that the said invoice and the declaration thereon are in all respects true, and were made by the person by whom the same purports to have been made, nor, except as hereinafter provided, unless the gipliceitetuansmlutid bybsség consul, vice-consul, or commercia agent to the co. ec or sia ave penalty {0, received by him. And it: any such owner, conmgnee, or agent, of any makin? &¤-, =¤ goods, wares, or merchandise, shall knowingly make, or attempt to make, ggfgécagg 'Z‘;s‘;¤_ an entry thereof by means of ztny False invoice, or f:8lS€·C€I'flfl.(E3.lB of a voice, &c. consul, vice-consul, or commercml agent, or of any myoxce which shll not contain a true statement of all the particulars herembefore required, or by means of any other false or fraudulent document or paper, or of any other false or fhauclulent practice or appliance whatsoever, send goods, wares, and merchandise, or their value, slmll be forfeited and disposed of Proviso. as other forfeitures for violation of the revenue laws: Provided, That where, from a change of the destination of any such goods, wares, or merchandise, after the production of the invoice thereof to the consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent, as hereinbefore provided, or from other If triplicate is cause, the triplicate transmitted to the collector of the port to which such
- ‘ghe;f§
- ‘{;‘}0r2Y goods, wares, or merchandise were originally destined, shall not have. been
goods nrrivejthey received at the port where the same actually arrive, and where it is de- ¤*¤Y b¤ <>¤*°}'<*§* sired to make entry thereof, said goods, wares, and merchandise may be l;·:n°QY"°” gwing admitted to an entry on the execution by the owner, cousignee, or agent of a, bond, with sufficient security, in double the amount of duty apparently due, conditioned for the payment of the duty which shall be found to be Qolleetor to actually due thereon. And it shall be the duty of the collector of the "°*“}’ °°“s“l¤&°· port where such entry shall be made immediately to notify the consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent, to whom such invoice shall have been produced, to transmit to such collector a. certified copy thereof; and it shall be the duty of such consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent to transmit the same accordingly without delay; and said duty shall not be bclgytgkxgvtggn *·° finally liquidated until such triplicate, or a certiiied copy thereof, shall qhave been received: Provided, That such liquidation shall not be delayed longer than eighteen months fiom the time of making such entry: And mlfrgrnazssihlo ;m·ovided,further, That when, from accident or other cause, it shall be Wife the sz6X_Q_ impracticable for the person desiring to make entry of any goods, wares, (ary 1,; Trmuyy or merchandise, to produce, at the time of making such entry, any invoice