THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 76. 1863. 739 thereof; as hereinbefore required, it shall be lawful for the Secretary of may authorize the Treasury to authorize the entry of such goods, wares, or merchandise, gfm;““`Y ·“P°“ upon such terms and in accordance with such general or special regulations ` as he may prescribe. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby in- Remission in vested with the like powers of remission in cases of forfeiture arising cases of forfeitunder this act, as in other cases of forfeiture under the revenue laws: “"" Aml provided, further, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to This act not to countries where there is no consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent of “Pl’l{l_i*° °°"°“"’ the United States; nor shall anything herein contained be construed to com W require for goods imported under the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain, signed June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, any other consular Vol. x. p. 1089 certificate than is now required by law. And this act shall be construed only to modify and not repeal the act of March first, eighteen hundred 182ii,_ch· 21- and twenty-three, entitled "An act supplementary to and to amend an act V°l‘ ‘“‘ P" 7m' entitled ‘An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnnge,’ passed March second, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, 1799, eh. Sn. and for other purposes ; " and the form of oaths therein set forth shall be v°l· ‘· P' 627* modified accordingly: And provided, further, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to invoices of goods, wares, or merchandise imported into any port of the United States from any place beyond Cape Hom or the Cape of Good Hope until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted That the solicitor of the treasury, Solicitor or under direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall take cognizance *¤;:¤“;.'Y *3 l°°kd of all frauds or attempted frauds upon the revenue, and shall exercise a :,,,,:,,,,`;`§ {3,:3,, general supervision over the measures for their prevention and detection, ein the revenue. and for the prosecution of persons charged with the commission thereof; and it shall be the duty of the collectors of the several collection districts C¤ll¢¤$°¤ *0 of the United States to report to him all seizures of goods, wares, or gmgciélzumw merchandise made by them, as soon as practicable after the same are made, with written statements of the facts upon which such seizures are based. And for the purpose of enabling the solicitor of the treasury to perform the duties hereby enjoined upon him, the Secretary of the Treas- somiwy go _ ury is hereby authorized to employ not more than three clerks, in addition lg¤v¤l¢|¤{¤¤k¤d<1¤— to those now assigned to the office of the solicitor by law, for such time 1°"° °°r s` and at such rates of compensation as he may deem for the public interest, and prescribe the compensation to be allowed to such clerks, not exceed- Their pay. ing the amount now allowed to clerks of like class; said compensation shall be paid in the same manner as other expenses of collecting the revenue. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall, by the Penalty for exhibition of any false sample, or by means of any false representation or device, or by collusion with any officer of the revenue, or otherwise, ,,,mp1p,_ or by knowingly effect, or aid in effecting, an entry of any goods, wares, or mer- ¤<>U¤¤¤¤¤- chandise at less than the true weight or measure thereof; or upon a false classification thereof as to quality or value, or by the payment of less than the amount of duty legally due thereon, such person shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding two years, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That if any oillcer of the revenue Penalty upon shall, by collusion with any importer or other person, or by means of any :gl,:f]':°°f°;h° false weight or measure, or of any false classification as to quality or value k,,,,,,,;,,g;y adof any goods, wares, or merchandise, or by any other means whatever, l¤;¤¤¤;¤z ¢¤ eplgry. knowingly admit, or aid in admitting, to entry, any such goods, wares, or g°;J§;?,~0,Z merchandise, upon the payment of less than the amount of duty legally lhssthzm the due thereon, or shall knowingly accept, from any person engaged in the 1°€°l d"'}' importation of goods, wares, or merchandise into the United States, or interested as principal, clerk, or agent in any such importation, or in the
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