742 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 77. 1863. . . ’ n limitation u on 1804,ch.40,§3. twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and four, aglimppietgeyremver of guy V°l·ll·P·29°· the commencement of any action or procee m,, _ _ Y fin enalt or forfeiture incurred by reason of the violation of any law of (fhg Unified States relating to the importation or entry of goods, wares, or merchandise, are hereby repealed. APPROVED, March 3, 1863. March 3, 1863. Cntr. LXXVII. — An Act to Lotus imposing Duties on Imports, andjbr Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Certain goods, States of America in Clongress assembled, That all goods, wgappsé ppc} &c in bond may merchandise now in public stores or bonded warehouses, on w ic u ies be g“°°"°d· &°‘* re un aid havinv been in bond more than one year and less than three gg iii Ei aears iivheh the alot entitled "An act increasing temporarily, the- duties ¤°**;f18°2» °h· Zn imports, and for other purposes," approver; July fosrpaenth, seightaep 163- ‘ .lfect, ma e en ere or con ump 1 h d d d sixt two, went mto e y Am’pp.559’560• add th; bbhds cadcelled, at any time before the first day of June next, on payment of duties at the rates prescribed by the act aforesaid, and all acts, and parts of acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this-act are hereby l d. , D tton rE1S;; 2. And be it further enacted, That section fourteen of an act My mi Q · ‘'l th d ties on 1m orts and for ¤¤<1¤W¤¤“¤*¤· entitled, "An act increasing temporari y e. u pd , d _ t pfgggggggme other purposes," approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundre an gix y- _ ine Gaps of Good two, be. and the same hereby xs, modified spl as to allow céotton tan ria: H . S; I f th oocoo f the owt or pro uce o coun ries -
- gE’·°l"1°3* ydhdwthecildlpemclf Gdod Hehe? to begiexempt from any additional duty
l 3;,,;,,, p_ 557_ when imported from places this side of the Cape of Good Hope, for two years from and after the passage of this act. _ Prohibition of Sec. 3. And be tt further enacted, That so much of auf aplt egtitled °**P°"*&’fd€“““° “An act to authorize protection to be gnvep to citizens 0 thel mte suspm e1% States, who may discover deposits of guano, approved Augustlerghteen, ¥§f';ifp_ uo_ eighteen hundred and fifty-six, as prohibits the export therplofllps hereby suspended IH relation to all persons who have comphed wit the provis- Ame, p. 558. ions of section second of said act for two years from and after July fourteenth, eighteen hundred 2nd sixtygirefsg h U l U fm Co t cti f Sec. 4. And be it fart er enacte at the proviso in. sec ion een Ml if l§6”im°:· of an act entitled "An act increasirig temporarily the duties on imports, 162j,,l;'z,_ 558_ and for other purposes," approyed July fourteen, eighteen hundred and ' - s all be construed to include an shi vessel, or steamer to or sixty two, h Y P9 _ _ _ froénlpny port or place south of Mexico down to and mcluding Aspmwall an anama. _ Duty on print- Sec. 5. And be it jimlaer enacted, That in lieu of the duties now imwz P¤P°¤‘· posed by law there shall be levied and collected upon printing paper unsized, used for books and newspapers exclusively, twenty per centum Seedlac, Sto. ad valorem ; upon seecllac and sticklac the same duties now imposed upon Poiisnin gum shellac; upon polishing powders, of all descriptions, Frankfort powders, Kia. black and Berlin Chines Fi and wash blue twenty-6ve er ceutum 1 1 ev g 1 y P ad valorem. Pep-oionm and Sec. 6. And be tt further enacted That from and after the passage of °9{‘1‘““"““‘°·‘“€ this act, the duty on petroleum and coal illuminating oil, crude and not °lQ4,,,e_ p_ M8_ refined, when imported from foreign countries in a crude state, shall be twenty per centum ad valorem and no more. pmwimk on Sec. 7. And be it further miacted, That from and after the passage of f¤r¤is;_¤ Mlfvsm this act, there shall be allowed a drawback on foreign saltpetre, manufacigfgiéssgzxder tured into gunpowder in the United States and exported therefrom, equal and exported. in amount to the duty paid on the foreign saltpetre from which it shall be Ame, p. 548. manufactured, to be ascertained under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and no more: Provided, That