THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 76. 1863. 741 attorney, or any special attorney or agent having charge of any claim in States may be favor of the United States, showing in detail the condition of such claim, and °°‘“P'°“““°°‘ the terms upon which the same may be compromised, and recommending that the same be compromised upon the terms so offered, and upon the recommendation of the solicitor of the treasury, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to compromise such claim accordingly. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That there shall be taxed and paid District attorto district attorneys two per centum upon all moneys collected or realized “;;`;;;th*;Vi;"° in any suit or proceeding arising under the revenue laws conducted by €(,um;.,{,, Funds, them in which the United States is n party. The net in relation to costs, feve¤¤<= Wwe, i¤ approved February twenty-sixth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- i;';? °°°t° md three, shall not apply to such allowances, and the same shall be in lieu 1853 0h_ S0_ of all costs and fees in such suit or proceedings. Vo!. it. p.1G1. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That in all suits or proceedings Fggg of district against collectors or other officers of the revenue for any not done by *}**°"¤9YS d°{°“d· them, or for the recovery of any money exacted by or paid to such officer ;';‘§fs,:js”§Q‘:”t and by him paid into the treasury of the United States, in the perform- for omcisi acts. ance of his official duty, in which any district or other attorney shall be directed to appear on behalf of such officer by the Secretary or Solicitor of the Treasury; or by any other proper officer of the government, such attorney shall be allowed such compensation for his services therein as shall be certified by the court in which such suit or proceedings shall be had, to be reasonable and proper, and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury; and where a recovery shall be had in any such suit or proceed- _ When ¢>¤¢e¢¤· ings, and the court shall certify that there was probable cause for the act §gQmQ€;0*fe;2;:,° done by the collector or other officer, or that he acted under the directions &c. i of the Secretary of the Treasury or other proper officer of the government, no execution shall issue against such collector or other officer, but the amount so recovered shall, upon final judgment, be provided for and paid out of the proper appropriation from the treasury. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That in all suits or proceedings District snoragaiust collectors, or other officers of the revenue, for any act done by z’g:l£‘;“:Jf them, or for the recovery of any money exacted by or paid to such 1mm, umm officers, which shall have been paid into the treasury of the United States, °*h¤"'i¤° i¤· it shall be the duty of the respective district attorneys within the district mlm8d' where such suit or proceedings shall be had, unless otherwise instructed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to appear on behalf of such officers. And it shall be the duty of the several district attorneys, on the first of October te mke prt of each year, to make returns to the solicitor of the treasury of the Y ° number of proceedings and suits commenced, pending, and determined within his district during the fiscal year next preceding the date of such retums; which returns shall show the date when such proceedings or suits hRe*¤m¤ *0 in each case commenced; and it' for any reason the determination of such B °w wh°°’ proceedings or suits shall have been delayed or continued beyond the usual or reasonable period, such reasons shall be set forth, together with a statement of the measures taken by the district attorneys to press such proceedings or suits to a close. And the returns hereby directed shall be to be transembraced in a. report by the solicitor to the Secretary of the Treasury, to t° C°“‘ be by him annually transmitted to Congress, with u statement of all moneys received by the solicitor, and by ench district attorney under the provisions of this ect. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the seventeenth section of Beper51ef¤er— . , . . · · · tam limitations the act entitled ‘ An act increasing temporarily the duties on imports, and upon time of for other purposes," approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- coiumencing w-. two, and so much of the eighty-ninth section of the act entitled “An act mm Sum'- toregulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnnge," approved §}.?62· °b‘ 1631 Merch second, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, and so much of the Ante, p. 558. third section of the act entitled "An act in addition to the act for the 1799,ch. 22, punishment of certain crimes against the United States," approved March @$5L L P. 6%
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