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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/778

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748 THIRTY-—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 79. 1863. California md For surveying ltlhe plnhlie land; andh privatp gap]; claims in California N€*’¤d°· and Territory of eva a twenty· ve thousand o ‘s. H Nlgansps and For surveying the pulilic lands in Kansas and Nebraska, fifteen thou- ° ms °‘ sand dollars. 0¤‘¤8<>¤· For surveying the public lands in Oregon, ten thousand dollars. Twssmngmn For surveying the public lands in Washington Territory, five thousand ¤·‘·i¤>·v· dollars. _ Colorado. For surveying the public lands in the Territory of Colorado, five thousand dollars. Nevada, For salaries and commissions of register and receiver for the Territory of Nevada for fiscal years ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, two thousand five hundred dollars; expenses for depositary during said periods, two hundred do larss For incidental expenses, furniture, iron safes, fifteen hundred dollars. Colci-ado. For salaries and commissions of register and receiver for the Territory of Colorado for the fiscal years ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, two thousand five hundred dollars; expenses for depositary for said periods, two hundred dollars. For incidental expenses, furniture, iron safes, fifteen hundred dollars. Inspection For purchase and fitting up of coifee-roaster, cooler and mill, in the 'I€;°g,':;¥ Wd- inspection office of provisions and clothing, navy yard, New York, one thousand one hundred and sixty-seven dollars and forty cents. _ I gonrtnguse at For completion of the court-house at Indianapolis, Eve thousand dol- D l8.Il8p0 S- lays. _cnpie,s1 exten- m_th`o1;1contiguipg the work on the Capitol extension, one hundred and ¤¤°¤· y thousand ollars. Capitol police. For payment of arrearages to Capitol police due under act of April $(54,:1:;, 53+6 twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nine thousand five hundred ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ dollars. For continuing the work on the new dome of the Capitol, two hundred thousand dollars. Census in To def’ray the expenses incurred in taking the census of the Territory D**k°'**- of Dakota, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Nevada. NFor defraying the expenses of taking the census of the Territory of evada two thousand five hundred dollars. Colorado. For defraying the expenses of taking the census in the Territory of Colorado, three thousand two hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty- eight cents. I_bT¢{rl¢<>ri¤1 For the purchase of a Territorial library for the Territories of Colo- ‘ ’°·“°“‘ rado, Dakota, and Nevada, two thousand five hundred dollars each. Arhrritory of Temtory of Arizona. -—- For' salaries of Governor, three Judges, ”‘°“‘ Fecretary, and Superintendent of Indian Affairs, fourteen thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. 1m;<`or interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dol- For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative aspembly, office[r]s, clerks, and contingent expenses, eighteen thousand dollars. For incidental expenses of the Indian service in the Territory of Arizona, and for presents of goods, clothing, and other useful articles to the lpdian? totlhe exppnldpfi under the direction of the Secretary of the Inrior, en thousand dollars. héog gpgveyiug the public lands in the Territory of Arizona, five thousan 0 rs.