THIR'1`Y—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 79. 1863. 749 To pay Jacob F. Kautz for work on the survey of the United States P¤g'¤¤¤¤°*·° and California boundary from September first, eighteen hundred and J°°° F'K°mI°z' slizgy, to April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, one thousand o ars. To pay W. H. Shultz for services on United States and California W. H. Shultz. boundary survey from October one, eighteen hundred and sixty, to March thirty-one, eighteen hundred and sixty~one, four hundred and fifty dolrs. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay detective police, em- Detection and ployed by a former head of the Department, for expenses incurred and ;'Z'°“ °$.“°‘}"’°"` services rendered in the cities of Wasliington and Philadelphia, in the mmm wm. detection and arrest of counterfeiters of United States coin, there shall be and hereby is transferred to the Department of the Interior, from the appropriation by the act of Congress “ making appropriations for the 1860, eh. 205. legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of Government for the year ·“‘°· P· 1°2· ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-one," approved June twenty-three, eighteen hundred and sixty, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, so much thereof, not exceeding eleven hundred and eighty-four dollars, as may be necessary for that purpose: Provided, That if the unexpended portion of the appropriation Provisvatore[said] be not sufficient to allow of the transfer aforesaid, then, and in that case, the amount aforesaid shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. For the continuation of the treasury building, two hundred and fifty _ Treasury buildthousand dollars. ”'€· For repairing the Government warehouses, wharves, and fences at Warehouses, Staten Island, fifteen thousand dollars. 3* S’“*°“ For annual repairs of custom-houses and marine hospitals, twenty thou- 2:: '. ( pairs 0 Cussand dollars. tom-nouses and To complete the alterations in the office of the assistant treasurer at b¢SPi¤¤lS· New York, authorized by the act of July eleventh, eighteen hundred and 1862. sh- 143- sixty-two, fifty thousand dollars. A"°'# P' 53** For detection and bringing to trial to [of] persons engaged in counter- Detection,&c., feiting the coin of the United States, Treasury notes, and other United °f°°¤¤'¢’f°i*°*$ States securities, twenty-five thousand dollars. To reimburse J. L. Vattier, late postmaster at Cincinnati, for balance .1.1,. Vattier. expended and paid upon Government post-otdce at Cincinnati, seventeen hundred dollars. To complete the compilation of the last census, fifty thousand dollars. Eighth census. For pay of the United States commissioner and surveyor, and for commissions.-, transportation and other expenses attending the examination of coasts, $¤9-$¤é¤d¤¤13g¢9;A‘ and for the making of the final chart showing boundary lines established ma N by the commissioner jointly under the reciprocity treaty with Great Brit— ain, seven thousand dollars. F or repair of the pier nt Kenosha, Wisconsin, and rebuilding the bea- Pier at Ken? con-light thereon, seven thousand six hundred and forty dollars. °“*"‘· w'°°°““"'· For the erection of two lights near the mouth of Maumee River and Lights nm- Maumee Bay, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That. the Light·house Mv&¤¤1;¤¢Riv¢¤ Board shall determine that there exists-a necessity for such lights. an °y‘ For the establishment of u series of range lights as aids to navigation Lights at Port at Port Royal harbor, South Carolina, seven thousand dollars. R°Y¤*· For establishing a fog-bell at or near Sandy Point light-house, Chesa- Fog-bell. peake bay, one thousand dollars. For building a beacon—light at Ediz_ Hook, Port Angelos harbor, Wash- beacon-lightni ington Territory, five thousand dollars. Ed" H°°k‘ For expenses incurred under directions of the Governor, Chief Jus- Territorial grr tice, and Marshal of the Territory, in fitting up a Territorial prison at “°““‘ C°]°"° °· Denver, in the Territory of Colorado, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, five thousand dollars.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/779