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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/781

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THIR.TY—SEVEN'1‘H CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 79. 1863. 751 the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, twenty thousand dollars. To supply deficiency in the appropriation for rent, fitting up, and fur- Q¤¤rt¤¤¤¤¤*¤‘- nishing of the rooms temporarily provided for the use of the Quarter- g‘;’,f"“l’*D°l’°"° master-Generals Department, including stationery and miscellaneous I items, for the current fiscal year, six thousand six hundred and eighty- four dollars. For the Mississippi squadron, building, repairs, equipment, machinery, Mississippi three million eight hundred thousand dollars; increase on cost of mate- $‘l““d"°“· rials, five hundred and eighty thousand dollars; completion of armoredclad ve sels, four million five hundred thousand dollars. For contingent fund of the Bureau of Yards and Docks for eighteen Bureau Yards hundred and sixty-two and three, three hundred thousand dollars. and D°¤k=*- For enlarging hospital at marine barracks, Washington, and construct- Hospital at ma ing sewer to Eastern Branch, nine thousand and fifty dollars. rim l>¤’¤`¤°k¤· I For deficiencies of appropriations in the Navy Department for the fiscal Deneipney year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, as follows, t*}l’l’§P"‘“*l°““ viz : noiémpvy Depart- For increase and repairs of the navy: completion of side-wheel steam- Sm,,,,;,,,,,]

 hulls, equipment, and machinery, two million eight hundred thousand sremncrs

0 ars. Completion of screw steamers, hulls, equipment, and machinery, one Screw steammillion five hundred thousand dollars. °”· Purchase of large steamers, two million six hundred thousand dollars. pumm, of Purchase of small steamers and tug-boats, seven hundred and fifty ¤*¤¤¤¤"S· thousand dollars. Repairs of steam machinery, one million nine hundred and fifty thou- R°ll*‘*}l’¤°*`¤*·°**“* sand dollars. ""`° "'°°" For instituting and conducting experiments for testing various methods ’l`•=Sti¤r: mythof working steam expansively, twenty thousand dollars. ggiugf "°’k"'g SEO. 5. And be it further enacted, That the surgeon and the citizen at my or Smgi-im large, who are, with the provosmnarshal, to form the enrolling board of Md 1pm1e" {*1* each Congressional district, shall receive the compensation of an assistant- mm mg bmi ' surgeon of the army, excluding commutation for fuel and quarters for the time actually employed; and that the same may be paid by the Secretary of War out of appropriations already made for the services of that Department. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the President cause to be struck Medals or from the dies recently prepared at the United States mint for that purpose, H°¤°*· " Medals of Honor " additional to those authorized by the act [Resolution] of July twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and present the same to such officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates as have most distinguished or who may hereafter most distinguish themselves in action; and the sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray the expenses of the same. For surveying the public lands in Colorado Territory, in addition to pubiiciunds g,, the sum hereinbefore appropriated, Eve thousand dollars. C¤l¤¤d¢>- For surveying the public lands in Kansas and Nebraska, in addition to Kansas and the sum hereinbefore appropriated, ten thousand dollars. Nebraska- For surveying the public lands in Dakota Territory, ten thousand dol- Dakota. lars. For surveying the public lands in Wasliington Territory, in addition to Washington the sum hereinbefore appropriated, five thousand dollars. T¤rrit<>ry· Sec. 7. And be it jierthe·r enacted, That to supply a clerical omission in M€m,p,,];m,, the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the legislative, execu~ P<>li<=<=· tive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, the following words be, and hereby are, added to the end of the paragraph for the support of the