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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/780

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750 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 79. 1868. -l¤*ls¤· d*¤¤‘i¤¢ For pay of the United States District Judge for the western district of gggggpfggd Michigan, two thousand five hundred dollars. westernjdistrlct For pay of Marshal same district, two hundred ilxollgrsh d H °f M‘°l“8"”· For pay of District Attomey same district, lpwo un tre dollars.f tb penver Branch Sec. 2. And be tt further. enacted, That the curren expenses or e Mm- year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, for the Denver Branch Mint be authorized to be paid out of the unexpended balance 1862 0h_ 5g_ of the appropriation of seventy-tivethoulsand dollars made for the estab- Ame; pt 882. lishment and current expenses of said mint by act of Congress approved April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Mileage. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That mileage, as now allowed by law to Senators, Representatives, and Delegates shall be paid for the present session by the proper officer of the treasury, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, as soon as certified by the presiding officer of each House. Register ofvol- Src. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War cause a ““‘°°’“· register to be prepzged, showing th; preplel;-t prgamzsption of ppc vplupteers of the United tates arm , wit suc ac s in re erence ere o s may not be incompatible with the public service ; and the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, ttppropmated, out·of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for clerk hire and compilation of said register. _ Maryland sv- For lighting Maryland avenue west, Sixth street south, with gas, made °““°· necessary by the occupancy of that street by Government railroad, thereby endangering the lives of citizens in the night, fifteen thousand dollars. Custom-house, For alteration of steps and improvement to the entrance of the custom- B°”*°¤· house at Boston, Massachusetts, twelve thousand nine hundred and four dollars. For repair of culvert on New Jersey avenue, near the Capitol, five hundred dollars. _ Btwks of tw- For the purchase of books of tactics and instructions for the armies of u°°’ &°' the United States, fifty thousand dollars. Min¤t¤—m•=»¤ To defray expenses incurred in the raising, equipping, transportation, §:af';,’;§§f°$d;‘f and subsistence of minute—men and volunteers in Pennsylvania, Mary- land, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, to repel rebel raids, six hundred thousand dollars, to be settled upon proper vouchers, to be tiled and passed upon by the proper accounting officers of the treasury: Provided, That in determining the claims to be allowed under this act the same principles, rules, and regulations shall be observed by the accounting officers in auditing said expenses as have been applied to the claims allowed to States, 1861, ch. 21. under the act approved July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- "”‘°·P·“"°· one, entitled “An act to indemnify the States for expenses incurred by them in defence of the United States." Statutes st For additional compensation to the publishers of the Statutes at Large, l·’·'¤!°· four thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars. Volume twsltth. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase of Messrs. Little, Brown and Company, two thousand copies of the twelfth volume of the United States Statutes at Large, for distribution agreeably to the act of {Cgpgress directing the distribution of the other volumes, seven thousand o ars. Sggsézér ¤f· For compensation of the receiver at Santa Fé, New Mexico, acting as ' depositary, two thousand dollars. Capitol.For four laborers employed by the Commissioner of Public Buildings in the Capitol, (heretofore authorized by special appropriation,) two thou- Con i I sand four hundred dollars. · I Librargfm °'“* dofpr new roof to Congressional Library, three thousand five hundred _ rs. ,,,f",§;Qf"l°"“l To supply deficiency in the appropriations for Agricultural Bureau, for