CONVENTION WITH PERU. Dncnmnnn 20, 1862. 635 Oonvention between tbe United States of America and the Republic of Peru. Ooncladed at Lima, December 20, 1862; ratifed by the President of the United States, February 24, 1863; exchanged at Lima, April 24, 1863; proclaimed by the President of the United States, May_19, 1863. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Dec. 20, 1862. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Convention between the United States of America and Preamble. the Republic of Peru was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at the city of Lima on the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows:-— Convention between the United Convencion entre el Perri y los States of America and the Re- Estados Unidos de América. public of Peru. Whereas differences having aris- Por cuanto se han suscitado entre Claims upon en between the United States of la Republica del Peru y los Estados 51‘;;“ gg tg? America and the Republic of Peru, Unidos de América algunas difer- ·· {32;.., ihwmporiginating in the capture and con- encias originadas por la captura y g<>¤" wd H iiscation by the latter of two ships confiscacion de dos buques pertene- bgiggilggio tfc belonging to citizens of the United cientes a ciudadanos de los Estados decision of some States, called the “Lizzie Thomp- Unidos, titulados “Lizzie Thomp- f’”°¤d1YP°“'“· son " and “Georgiana "; and the son " y “Georgiana," y no habiendo two governments not being able to podido los dos gobiernos arribar a come to an agreement upon the un arreglo de las cuestiones provequestions involved in said capture nientes de dicha captura y confiscaand confiscation, and being equally cion, y estando animados ambos del animated with the desire to main- deseo de mantener las relaciones de tain the relations of harmony which amistad y armonia que siempre han have always existed, and which it existido y que desean continuar y is desirable to preserve and strength- estrechar, han convenido_ en someter en between the two governments, todas las cuestiones tanto de hecho have agreed to refer all the ques- como do derecho, anexas a la captions, both of law and fact, involved tura y contiscacion de los buques in the capture and confiscation of “Lizzie Thompson " y "Georgiana" said ships by the -government of a la decision de una potencia amiga. Peru, to the decision of some Y estando convenidos en proceder friendly Power; and it being now asf y arreglar de este modo las expedient to proceed to and regu- diferencias mencionadas, la Republate the reference as above describ- lica del Pern y los Estados Unidos ed, the United States of America de América han nombrado con tal and the Republic of Peru have for objeto sus respectivos Plenipotenciathat purpose named their respective rios, a saber; el Presidente del Plcnipotentiaries —- that is to say, Peru a Don José Gregorio Paz Sol- _ Rl·>¤ip<>t¢¤- the President of the United States dan, Ministro de Estado en el Des- mms' has appointed Christopher Robin- pacho de Relaciones Exteriores y son their Envoy Extraordinary and Presidente del Consejo de Ministros, Minister Plenipotentiary to Peru, y los Estados Unidos de América a and the President of Peru Don Don Cristobal Robinson, Enviado José Gregorio Paz Soldan, Minister Extraordinario y Ministro Pleni- 0f State in the office of Foreign potenciario de dichos Estados en
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