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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/664

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636 CONVENTION WITH PERU. DECEMBER 20, 1862. Relations and President of the Lima, quienes, despues de haher Council of Ministers, who, after canjeado sus respectivos plenos having exchanged their full powers, poderes y hallandolos en buena y found to be in due and proper form, debida forma, han ccnvenido en los have agreed upon the following articulos siguientesz articles: ARTICLE I. ARTICULO I. B 'lhe King of . The two contracting parties agree Las dos partes contratantes con-

b§;‘;l“ i° be in naming as arbiter, umpire, and vienen en nombrar arbitro, arbitrafriendly arbitrator, his Majesty the dor y amigable componedor a S. M.

King of Belgium, conferring upon el Rey de los Belgas, confiriéndole him the most ample power to decide el mas amplio poder para que and determine all the questions both decida. y resuelva todas las cuescf law and fact involved in the tiones, tanto de hecho como dedeprceeedings of the government of recho, procedentes de la condueta Peru in the capture and confisca- observada por el Gobierno Peruanc tion of the ships “Lizzie Thomp- en la captura y contiscacion de on " and “Georgiana." los buques “Lizzie Thompson ” S Y " Georgiana." ARTICLE II. ARTICULO 11. The King of The two contracting parties will Las dos partes coutratantes em- Bclgmm m l)? ado tthe ro er me sure to solicit r’n losm di . n u e I I td p p p a s plea a e os co d c ntespara pI`0p€1` y S0 ICI 8 _ _ _ Lo act as m-bgtey, and obtain the assent of his Majesty suplicar y obtener de S. M. el Rey the King of Belgium to act in the de los Belgas la aceptacion del office hereby conferred upon him. cargo que le confieren. After his Majesty the King of Despues que S. M. haya mani- Belgium shall have declared his festado su aquiescencia para ejercer assent to exercise the office of arbi— el cargo de arbitro, ambas partes ter, the two contracting parties will ccntratantes someteran, por medic submit, through their diplomatic de sus agentes diplomaticos resiagentsresiding at Brussels, to his dentes en Bruselas, a. S. M. copias Papers to be Majesty copies of all the correspon- de toda la correspondencia, pruebas, submlmd to him- dence, proofs, papers, and documents papeles y documentos que han sido which have passed between the two eambiados entre los dos gobierncs y governments or their respective sus respectivos representantes; y representatives; and should either si alguna de las partes contratantes party think proper to present to creyere eonveniente presentar al said arbiter any other papers, dicho arbitro otros papeles, pruebas proofs, or documents in addition to 6 documentos ademas de los menthose above mentioned, the same cionados, estos seran ccmunicados shall be communicated to the other a. la ctra parte en el término de party within four months after the cuatro meses despues de la ratitica ratincation of this convention. cion de este convenio. ARTICLE IH. ARTICULO III. &Docurlpente;, Both parties being. equally inter-Estando ambas partes igualmente mfgelgwgtgglgix ested in having a decision upon the interesadas en que se decidan las months, questions hereby submitted, they cuestiones sometidas, convienen en agree to deliver to the said arbiter entregar al dicho arbitro todos los all the documents referred to in the documentos mencionados en el art. second article within six months 2° en el término de seis meses, after he shall have signified his con- despues que el arbitro haya prestado sent to act as such. su consentimiento.