T REATY WIPH THE TABEGUACHE INDIANS. Ooroanu 7, 1863. 677 Page 3, in lines 87.to 43, inclusive, strike out of the preamble the following words? “And whereas the said Indians, for the pugpose of mamtaufimlg mirendfly rglations yvith the people an government 0 the nit tates o America, and for the other considerations herein mentioned, are willing to cede a portion of said country, and to enter into _ the_covena.uts and agreements herein set forth." Page 5, article 3111110 5, alter the word “al1," strike out the words “ of sir." “ 5, “ 2,hhe;-1e;, after the word “ boundaries," insert: which are e reserved as their hunting-grounds, viz. : " 5, " 2, line 18, strike out the word "A.rkaLnsas,” and insert in lieu thereof: G'unnison?s Fork of the Great Colorado. “ 5, “ 2, strike out from the word “ to," in line 20, to the word “the,” in line 33, the following words: " the source of the xgy of the Slain Louis valley; thence down the y ree to the p ce where its waters sink at low water; thence in a right line to the point where the centre of the channel of the Rio Grande del Norte crosses the 106th line of longitude west from Greenwich; thence up the centre of the main channel of the Rio Grande del Norte to the line of the 107th degree of longitude west from Greenwich ; thence south along sjiid lin? to tge summit of the range dividing the waters the io rande del Norte from those of the San Juan River; thence along said summit westerly to a point due south ofZ" “ 6, “ 2, in line 34, after the word “thence," strike out the word "to " and insert: from. “ 6, " 2, after line 36, insert the following words: Nothing contained in this treaty shad be construed or talcen to admit on the part of the United States ang other or greater title or interest in the lands above excepted and reserved in said tribe or band of Indians than existed in them upon gte wsmon of said Territory from Mexico bg the ws eo . " 7, “ 8, line 12, strike out the words " the right oil" “ 7, “ 8, line 13,;)tEikc out the word "to," and insert: mag, in lieu the _ “ 7, “ 3, line 15, strike out the words " retained by," and insert in lieu thereof the words: reserved to. ' “ 7, “ 3, after the word "found," in line 16, strike out the following words: “ is .hereby'also conferred and guaranteed. And for all other purposes excepting as herein stipulated, settlement by other persons than Indians is hereby prohibited." “ 9, “ 5, line 5, strike out the word “country;” insert in lieu thereof: reservation. “ 11, “ 6, line 29, after the word " citizens,” insert: orwhite residem. “ 11, “ 6, line 37, after the word “ citizens," insert : or white residents. “ 11, “ 6, line 45, after the word “ citizens," insert: or white residents. “ 11, “ 6, line 49, alter the word “citizen,” insert: or white resident. " 15, “ 10, line 2, strike out the words “Each family," and after the word “ that" in same line insert: in case the ehi¢ said band. qf 57 *
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/705