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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/706

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573 TREATY WITH THE TABEGUACHE INDIANS. OCTOBER 7, 1863. Page 15, article 10, line 2, after the word " ann0unce," strike out the words “ through its head." “ 15, “ 10, line 3, after the word "agent," strike out the words “ of the band." " 15, “ 10, line 4, after word “determination,” insert: on their part and on the part of their people. " 15, “ 10, line 5, after the word " follow," strike out the words “ the pursuits of agriculture,” and insert in lieu thereof: agricultural or pastoral pursuits. “ 15, “ 10, line 7, after the word “lands,” insert: to be selected and set apart within said reservation. " 15, " 10, line 9, before the word " shall," insert: they. “ 15, " 10, line 12, after the word "cattle," strike out the word "one," and insert in lieu thereof: not exceeding one hundred and “ 15, “ 10, line 15, after the word "sheep,” strike out the word ’“ ten," and insert in lieu thereof: not exceeding one thousand. “ 15, “ 10, line 17, after the word " five,” insert: hundred. " 15, " 10, line 24, after the word "such," strike out the word " family ; " insert in lieu thereof the word: chiefs. “ 15, “ 10, at the end of line 26, insert the following words: And provided, That the amount expended under this article shall not exceed ten thousand dollars annually. Attest: J. W. FORN EY, Secretary, By W. Hrcxnr, Ohief Uler/:. And whereas the foregoing amendments having been fully interpreted and explained to Un-cow-ra-gut, or Red Color, Sha-wa·she-yet, or Blue Flower, U-ray, or Approved, Ne-va-ve-tu-quar-et, or One who Slides under the Snow, Colorado, Sa-wa-wat-se-wich, or Blue River, Can-i-yet, Camileon, or Camelion, and Nan-tos, chiefs and warriors of the Tabeguache band of Utah Indians, they did, on the eighth of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, give their free and voluntary assent to the same, in the words and figures following, to wit : — Assent to We, the undersigned, chiefs and warriors of the Tabeguache band of ‘m°”dm°““· Utah Indians, with the concurrence of said baud, do hereby give our free and voluntary assent to the foregoing amendments made by the Senate of the United _States on the 25th day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, to the treaty concluded by us with the United States, on the 7th day of October, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, the same having been fully explained to us in full council assembled, by John Evans, commissioner on the part of the United States, appointed for the purpose. In testimony whereof; we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals, respectively, at Conejos, Colorado Territory, this 8th day of October. A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. UN—COW-RA-GUT, or Red Color, his x mark. SEAL. SHA~WA·SHE·YET, or Blue Flower, his x mark. SEAL. U-RAY, or Arrow, his x mark. [SEAL. NE-VA-VE-TU-QUAR-ET, or One who Slides under the Snow, his x mark. SEAL. COLORADO, his x mark. sum.. SA-WA—WAT-SE-WICH, or Blue River, his x mark. [sun,. CAN-I-YET, his x mark. {SEAL. CAMILEON, or Camelion, his x mark. sun.] NAN-TOS, his x mark. snr.