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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/713

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CONVENTION WITH COLOMBIA, FEBRUARY 10, 1864. 685 Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Oolombia ; Dated at Washington, February 10, 1864; Ratifed by the President of the United States of America, July 9, 1864; Exchanged at Washington, August 19, 1865 ; Proclaimed by the President of the United States of America, August 19, 1865. nr THE. PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or Ammucn. Feb-10, 1864- A PROCLAMATION. Wnnnmns a convention between the United States of America and Preamble the United States of Colombia was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Washington, on the tenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- four, supplemental to that of the tenth of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows : —- Whereas a convention for the Por cuanto una convencion para Contracting adjustment of claims was concluded el arreglo de reclamaciones se cele- P°'*i“· between the United States of Amer- bro entre la. Republics de la Nueva ico. and the Republic of New Gro.- Granada .i los Estados Unidos de nada, in the city of Washington, on América, en la ciudad de Washingthe 10th September, 1857, which ton,el10deSetiembre,de1857,cuya convention, as afterwards amended convencion, como se enmendo desby the contracting parties, was pro- pues por las partes contratantes, fué claimed by the President of the proclamada por el Presidente de los United States on the 8th Novem- Estados Unidos el 8 de Noviembre ber, 1860; de 1860; And whereas the joint commis- I por cuanto la comision mixta sion organized under the authority organizada de acuerdo con la autoriconferred by the preceding men- zacion conferido por la convencion tioned convention did fail, by rea- ya mencionada, dejo de decidir, por son of uncontrollable circumstances, circunstancias insuperables, las reto decide all the claims laid before clamaciones que se _1e presentaron them under its provisions, within segun sus disposiciones, dentro del the time to which their proceedings término a que sus procedimientos were limited by the 4th article estaban limitados por el artfculo 4° thereof; de la misma; The United States of America I por cuanto los Estados Unidos and the United States of Colombia de Colombia, que represeutan la -—the latter representing the late estinguida Republica de la Nueva Republic of New Granada—are Granada, i los Estados Unidos de desirous that the time originally América, desean que se estienda el fixed for the duration of the com- tiempo que se fijo originalmente para mission should be so extended as to la duracion de la comision, para. que admit the examination and adjust- pueda admitir el examen i la dement of such claims as were pre- cision de aquellas reclamaciones que sented to, but not settled by, the se presentaron a la comision mixta joint commission aforesaid, and to ya mencionada, pero que no feuron this end have named plenipoten- decididas par ella, han nombrado cou pisngwmua. tiaries to agree upon the best mode este objeto plenipoteuciarios pam ql1B ries- ° v0L. xm. 'I`REAT.·——58