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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/714

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686 CONVENTION WITH COLOMBIA, FEBRUARY 10, 1864. of accomplishing this object-—that convengan en el mejor medio de lleis to say, the President of the United varlo zi cabo, a saber, el Presidente States of America, William H. Sew- de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. ard, Secretary of State of the United al Senor Manuel Murillo, Enviado States of America, and the Presi- Estraordinario i Ministro Plenipodent of the United States of Co- tenoiario de los Estados Unidos de lombia, Senor Manuel Murillo, En- Colombia,i el Presidente de los Esvoy Extraordinary and Minister tados Unidos de América a William Plenipotentiary of the United States H. Seward, Secretario de Estado de of Colombia; los Estados Unidos de América; Who, having exchanged their full Quienes, despues de cambiar sus powers, have agreed as follows:-— plenos poderes, han convenido en lo siguiente:— ARTICLE 1. ARTICULO 1°. _Time for ter- The high contracting parties agree Las altas partes contratantes conml'“!*l°” °i °°”" that the time limited in the conven- vienen en que el tiempo limitado en IIIISSIOH €Xt€I1d— · . . . 8d_ tion above referred to for the termi- la convenenon ya mencxonada para nation of the commission shall be la terminacion de la comision, se extended for a period not exceeding estienda por un periodo que no sea nine months from the exchange of mayor de nueve meses, eontados ratifieations of this convention, it desde el canje de las ratiticaciones being agreed that nothing in this de esta convencion, bien entendido article contained shall in any other que nada de lo eontenido en este wise alter the provisions of the con- articulo de ninguna manera altera vention above referred to; and that las disposiciones de la convencion the eontrabting parties shall appoint ya mencionada; i que las partes C0mY¤iSSi<>11€1`$· commissioners anew, and an umpire contratantes nombraran de nuevo Umpire- shall be chosen anew, in the manner, comisionados, i un arbitro se elejira and with the duties and powers tambien de nuevo, en los términos,i respectively expressed in the said con los deberes i los poderes que se former convention. espresan respectivamente en dieha convenoion anterior. ARTICLE 11. ARTIOULO 11°. Rwticagonsy The present convention shall be La presente convencion sera ratiwhen to be ex- ratified and the ratifications shall be ficada, i las ratiiicaciones seran can- °h‘“‘g°d· exchanged at Wasliington as soon as, jeadas en Washiiigton tan pronto possible. como sea posible. In witness whereof the respective En testimonio de lo cual, los re- Signatures. plenipotentiaries have signed the I spectivos plenipotenciarios hemos same, and have hereunto aiiixed iirmado esta convencion, i sellado their seals. con nuestros sellos. Done at Washington this tenth Hecha en Washington, el décimo day of February, in the year of our dia de Febrero del aio del Senor Lord one thousand eight hundred mil ochocientos sesenta i cuatro. and sixty-four. Wl\I. H. SEWARD. [Ls.] M. MURILLO. [Ls.] M. MURILLO. [1..s.] WVM. H. SEWARD. [ns.] And whereas the said convention has been duly ratified on both parts, Ratmcadons and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged in the city exchanged. of Washingtoii on this day, by William Hunter, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, and Eustorjio Salgar, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of Colombia, on the part of their respective governments: Now, therefore, be it known, that I, ANDREW JOHNSON, Presi-