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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/806

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778 APPENDIX. will be aided by the federal government, so far as may be necessary, in the lawful measures which he may take for the extension and administration of the state government throughout the geographical limits of said state. In testimony whereof, I have ereunto set my hand, and caused the seal [L. s.] of the United States to be aiiixed. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary of State. No. 5. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT-GENERAL’S OFFICE

‘ Washington, November 24, 18l35.

Chg1m; foghthe Ordered That General Orders No. 164. 1-ewa or e , — apprehension of 1. All persons claiming reward for the apprehension of John Wilkes Booth, Fgtheflg ‘!D*~hf?”· Lewis Payne, G. A. Atzerodt, and David . Harold, and Jefferson Davis, or fusing, lzé'? either of them, are notified to file their claims and their proofs with the adju- AMG1 P Z,56 tant-(general, for final adjudication by the special commission appointed to award ` ° and etermine upon the validity of such claims, before the nrst day of January (mm of rE_ next, after which time no claims will be received. wards for the ,,,._ 2. The rewards offered for the arrest of Jacob Thompson, Beverly Tucker, rest of Jacob George N. Saunders, William G. Cleary, and John H. Surratt, are revoked. Thompson and By order of the President of the United States: °*h°"’ '°"°k°d· E. D. Townsmw, Assistant Adjutant-Generai