T0 THE FOREGOING PUBLIC LAWS, RESOLUTIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS OF THE UNITED STATES. A. Acting lEusteis:iMates, to st e mates.. ... .. 589 Abandoned Lands, pay ma; be increabed, 589 in insurrectionary states may be set Acting Passed Assistant Surgeons, apart for ireedmen and refugees, . 508 how appointed, pay, &c., of, ... 539 limit to amount assigned, . 508 Acting Surgeons, rent, and how determined, 508 how appointed, pay oi; &c., ... 539 occupants may purchase, . 508 Acting Volunteer Lieutenants, Abandoned Propertg), may be confirmed, &c., ... 79 sales of, may e made where, .. 375 Additional Clerks, lands, houses, &c., to be taken care ol, 375, authorized in omce of Secretary of _ 876 Treasury, .. 27, 161 when property IS to be deemed aban- of 1st and 2d comptroller, .. .27, 449 doned, 876 of 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th auditor, 27, 449 Absence, Leave tm _ of treasurer and register, . 27 provision for pay durmg, . 145 of commissioner of customs, 27, 160 aggregate ot} not to exceed, ... 145 of Secretary of Navy, . 27, 373, 454 Absent Owners, of adjutant-general, quartermaster property oi} how assessed, . . . . 227 and paymaster-general, . 27 Accordi, Marg Scales, of commissary-general, ... 28 pension to, .. . ... 595 of chief of ordnance and chief engi- Aocounts, Deer, .. 28 oath in settlement of officers, for cloth- in bureau of equipment and repair, 454 ing, &c., who may administer, .. 491 of construction and repair, 454 Acids, in omce of assistant treasurer in duty on, 212 Boston, ... 457 Acknowledgment, · in Post-Office Department, ... 515 of bills of sale, conveyances, mortgages, in Attorney-Genera1's omoe,. . . 515 &c., of vessels necessary before being appointment of and appropriations for,. 28 recorded, . ... . . 518 former temporary appointments in- Acknowledgmentq/' Deeds, cluded herein, . 28 certificate of} does not require stamp,. . 294 females may be employed as, .. 28 certain defective, in the District of Co- salary not to exceed $600, .. 28, 160 lumbia, cured, . 531 Additional Duties, in the District of Columbia, acts con- on certain articles under the revenue cerning, how construed, . 532 law, . . . ... 483 what to be sufficient, . 532 on brandy, gin, liqueurs, &c., .. 492, 493 by feme covert, of deed executed by Additional Inspectors of Revenue, husband, to be sufficient to bar dower, 532 authorized, .. 198 by married women, .. 532 Atgutant- Gensml, Acting Assistant Pogmasters in the Nanny, appropriations for the omce oi 24, 153,452,45S may be appointed assistant paymasters additional clerks in the office oi . , . 27 between the age of 26 and 30, ... 39 appropriation for contingencies of office Acting Assistant Surgeons, oi} at headquarters of military departif disabled, &c., entitled to pensions,. . . 499 ments,. . ,. . 126 Acting Assistant Treasurers and Depositaries, Ad valorem Duties. See Duties on Imports. provisions concerning,. . . ... . . . 427 on goods from countries east of Cape of Acting Commanders, Good Hope, .. . 493 appointment and pay oi] .. 79 assessment ot] . _ ... 493, 494 Acting Lieutenant-Commanders, penalty for undervaluatron, ... 494 appointment and pay of, .. 79 Advertisements, Acting Masters, duty on, and what exemptfrom duty,. . 280 may be conurmod and putin line of pro- fonproposals to carry mails, to be pubmotion, if, &c., . 79 lished, 507
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