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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/715

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CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. JULY 4, 1868. 683 Amrcmu III. Ancucuho HI. Every claim shall be presentedto Todas las reclamaciones se pre- Chim *¤<>_M_ the commissioners within eight sentaran a los comisionados dentro §{°;:';;,i€,:{,;u;}" months from the day of their first de ocho meses contados desde el tug day of their meeting, unless in any case where dia de su primera reunion, a. no ser Em ¤¤“°i¤S» reasons for delay shall be estab- en las cases en que se manifieste °°1°”’ &°' lished to the satisfaction of the com- que haya habido razones para dimissioners, or of the umpire in the latarlas, siendo estas satisfactomas event of the commissioners differing para los comisionados 6 para el in opinion thereupon, and then and arbitro, si los comisionados no se in any such case the period for pre- convinieren, y en cse y otros cases Tl¤°¤¤¤¤l>¤ senting the claim may be extended semejautes el periodo para la pre- gm'}"l§°;;°' to any time not exceeding three sentacion de las reclamaciones po- months longer. months longer. dra. estenderse por un plazo que no The commissioners shall be bound exceda de tres meses. to examine and decide upon every Los comisionados tendran la ob- 0<>m}¤i¤Sio¤¤r‘¤ claim within two years and six ligacion de examinarydecidir todas ;‘Q.:,‘;f’§;,,‘},p°“ months from the day of their first las reclamaciones dentro de dos within what meeting. It shall be competent for aiios y seis meses, contados desde '*“”°· the commissioners conjointly, or for el dia de su primera reunion. Los the umpire ifthey differ, to decide comisionados de comun acuerdo in each case whether any claim has 6 el arbitro, si ellos difirieren poor has not been duly made, pre- dran decidir en cada caso, si una ferred and laid before them, either reclamacion ha sido 6 no debidawholly or to any and what extent, meme hecha, comunicada y someaccording to the true intent and tida a la comision, ya sea en su meaning of this convention. totalidad 6 en parte y cual sea esta, con arreglo al verdaclero espiritu y a la letra de esta convencion. Aarrcm IV. Amrcvto IV. When decisions shall have been Cuando los comisionados y el { TM *f}W;¤‘¤l¤_€}¤ made by the commissioners and the arbitro hayan decidido todos los ,*3,;,*} Jn: °‘ " arbiter in every case which shall casos que les hayan sido debida- country to be have been laid before them, the total mente sometidos, la suma total fal- gfggzciadfizzlfcf amount awarded in all the cases lada en todos los casos decididos the ,,,,;w,,, of decided in favor of the citizens of en favor de los ciudadanos de una tho other counthe one party shall be deducted from parte, sc deducira de la suma total gfgeafg ,l,l:,° bu` the total amount awarded to the fallada en favor de los ciudadanos amohnt of citizens of the other party, and the de Ia otra parte, y la diferencia $;Eg°i:°&£;b° balance, to the amount of three hasta la cantidad de trescientos mil £,,i,,,i,,,.&,,_ ° hundred thousand dollars, shall be pesos en oro, 6 su equivalents, B0 paid at the city of Mexico or at the pagara en la ciudad de Mexico 6 city of Washington, in gold or its en la ciudad de Washington, al equivalent, within twelve months gobierno en favor de cuyos ciudadafrom the close of the commission, nos se haya fallado la mayor cantito the governmentin favor of whose dad, sin interes, ni otra deduccion citizens the greater amount may que la especificada en el Articulo VI. have been awarded, without inter- de esta convencion. est or any other deduction than that El resto de dicha diferencia se specified in Article VI. of this con- pagara en abonos anuales que no _ vention. The residue of the said excedan de trescientos mil pesos en the`£;,:;g“° °f balance shall be paid in annual in- oro 6 su equivalents, hasta que se when and haw stalments to an amount not exceed- haya pagado el total de la diferencia. who poloing three hundred thousand dollars, in gold or its equivalent, in any one year until the whole shall have been paid.