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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/716

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684 CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. JULY 4, 1868. Amronm V. Anrrcuno V. _This commit- The high contracting parties Las altas partes eontratantes

ll;i° agree to consider the result of the convienen en consnlerar el resulsettlement .,;,,1; proceedings of this commission as tado de los proced1m1entos de esta

claims prior to afull, perfect, and final settlement comision, como arreglo complete, 3;: xfggstfgugf of every claim upon either govern- perfecto y final, de toda reclamahereoti ment arising out of any transaction cion contra eualquiera gobiemo, of a date prior to the exchange of que proceda de acontecimientos de the ratitications of the present con- fecha anterior al canje de las rativention; and further engage that iicaciones de la presente convencion; every such claim, whether or not y se comprometen ademas a que the same may have been presented toda reclamacion, ya sea que se to the notice oil made, preferred, or haya presentado 6 no a la referida laid before the said commission, comision, sera considerada y trashall, from and after the conclusion tada, eoncluidos los procedimientos of the proceedings of the said com- de dicha comision, como finalmente mission, be considered and treated arreglada, desechada y para siemas finally settled, barred, and thence- pre inadmisible. forth inadmissible. Amicus VI. Armcnno VI. Accurate The commissioners and the um- Los comisionados y el arbitro Egrgf :*;::,,0 pire shall keep an accurate record lleveran una relacion tiel y actas cccdings of the and correct minutes of their pro— esactas de sus procedimientos con °°'¤*¤i¤¤i°¤¤· ceedings, with the dates. For that especilicacion de las fechas; con Sccrctnries. purpose they shall appoint two sec- este objeto nombraran dos secretaretauies versed in the language of rios vcrsados en las lenguas de amboth countries to assist them in the bos paises, para que les ayuden en el transaction of the business of the arreglo de los asuntos de la eomision. lay of com- commission. Each government Cada gobierno pagara a su comi- “““*°“°"“? shall pay to its commissioner an sionado un sueldo que no exceda amount of salary not exceeding de cuatro mil quinientos pesos al forty-five hundred dollars a year in afio, en moneda corriente de los the currency of the United States, Estndos Unidos, cuya eantidad which amount shall be the same for sera la misma para ambos gobicrcf wpiwt both governments. The amount of nos. La compensacion que haya compensation to be paid to the um- de pagarse al érbitro se determipire shall be determined by mutual nnra por consentimiento mutuo, al consent at the close of the commis- terminarse la comision; pero posion, but necessary and reasonable dran hacerse por cada gobierno advances may be made by each gov- adelantos necesarios y razonables ernment upon the joint recommen- en virtud de la recomendacion de dation of the commission. The los dos comisionhdos. mg? tha ¤¤¤f¤· salary of the secretaries shall not El sueldo de los secretaries no ‘°°‘ exceed the sum of twenty-tive hun- cxcedcra de la snma de dos mil drcd dollars a year in the currency quinientos pesos al afio, en moneda Whole cx- of rthe United States. The whole eorriente de los Estados Unidos.

 *,9.,02 d‘* expenses of the commission, includ- Los gastos todos dc la comision,

sums awarded, ing contingent expenses, shall be incluyendo los contingcntes, se png:;d¤x5:°pg:· defrayed by a ratable deduction on garan con una reduccion pr0p01‘• °,¤,_,h,,.°,,y_ the amount of the sums awarded by cional de la cantidad total fallada the commission, provided always, por los eomisionados, siempre que that such deduction shall not exceed tal deduccion no exceda del cinc:0 five per cent. on the sums so award- por ciento de las cantidades falladas. ed. The deficiency, if any, shall be Si hubiere algun deliciente, lo cudefraycd in moieties by the two briran ambos gobiernos por mitad. governments.