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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/719

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CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. JULY 10, 1868. 687 Uonvention between tbe United States of America and the Republic of Jlhxtco, for regulating the Oitizenship of Emégrants; Uoncluded July 10 1868 ; Proclaimed February 1, 1869. , BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: July 10, 1808. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a convention between the United States of America and the P¤‘¢¤¤¤bl¤· republic of Mexico, for the purpose of regulating the citizenship of persons who may emigrate from the one country to the other, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Washington, on the tenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, which convention as amended, and being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: The President of the United Deseando el Presidente de la re- C'?“**`*°*i¤! States of America and the Presi- piiblica Mexicana y el Presidente pml°S' dent of the republic of Mexico, be- de los Estados Unidos de América ing desirous of regulating the citi- determinar la ciudadania de las perzenship of persons who emigrate sonas que emigran de Mexico a los from Mexico to the United States Estados Unidos de América y de of America, and from the United los Estados Unidos de América a States of America to the republic of la reptiblica Mexicana, han decidi- Mexico, have decided to treat on do hacer un tratado sobre este this subject, and with this object asunto, y con este objeto han nomhave namcd as plenipotentiaries, brado sus plenipotenciarios: the President of the United States, El Presidente de la repniblica William H. Seward, Secretary of Mexicana a.Matias Romero, acredi- State; and the President of Mexi- tado como enviado extraordinario co, Matias Romero, accredited as y ministro plenipotenciario de la. reenvoy extraordinary and minister piiblica Mexicana ante el gobierno plenipotentiary of the republic of de los Estados Unidos, y el Presi- Mexico near the government of the dentc de los Estados Unidos a Wil- United States; who, after having liam H. Seward, Secretario de Escommunicated to each other their tado, quienes, despues de haberse respective full powers, found in good mostrado sus respectivos poderes and due form, have agreed upon the y encontradolos en buena y debida following articles: forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes : ARTICLE I. Anrronno I°. Those citizens of the United Los ciudadanos de los Estados ClllZ<¤¤: <>*`*l¤¤ States who have been made citizens Unidos que se hayan hecho ciuda- ggguggfigagviu of the Mexican republic by natural- danos de la republica Mexicana por the other, to be ization, and have resided without naturalizacion y hayan residido sin £;‘gig;‘gn;'gtE“°° interruption in Mexican territory interupcion en territorio Mexicano Such Omg, five years, shall be held by the por cinco aiios, seran oonsiderado country. United States as citizens of the por los Estados Unidos como ciuda- Mexican republic and shall be danos de la republica Mexicana y treated as such. Reciprocally, citi- seran tratado como tales. zens of the Mexican republic who Reciprocamente los ciudadanos have become citizens of the United de la republica Mexicana, que se States, and who have resided unin- hayan hecho ciudadanos de los Esterruptedly in the territory of the tados Unidos y hayan residido sm