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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/720

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688 CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. JULY 10, 1868. United States for Eve years, shall be interupcion en territorio de los Esheld by the republic of Mexico as tados Unidos por cinco afios, serau citizens of the United States, and considerados por la reptiblica Mexi- _ D¤¢{l¤¤l”l<>¤ Of shall be treated as such. The decla· cana como ciudadanos de los Esta-

' ration of an intention to become a dos Unidos y seran tratados como

not to have the citizen of the one or the other tales. La declaracion que se haga ggstgxf ¤'““"°l‘ country has not for either party the de la intencion de hacerse ciudada- ' effect of naturalization. This article no de uno ti otro pais, no produce shall apply as well to those already para ningnna de las dos partes connaturalized in either of the countries tratantes los efectos de la naturalicontracting as to those hereafter zaciongl I Estedgticulo se amicara. naturalized. tanto os cin anos que se iayan naturalizado en cualqniera de los dos paises contratantes, como a los que se naturalizaren on lo futuro. Arrrrcnn II. Armouno II°. _N¤t¤r¤1i¤¤d Naturalized citizens of either of Los ciudadanos naturalizados de €x:°‘Z°"° "°i“"" the contractinrr parties, on return to una. de las partes contratantes quegto orlfnnal , ¤ . . . _. country, table the territory of the other, remain dan suyetos, al volver al terntouo

  • ° *·¤'***U°*' °f; liable to trial and punishment for dc la otra parte a enjuiciamiento

fences commit- . . . . . . . _ md [,,,,-0,.,, mi, an action punishable by the laws ol y castngo por una accion criminal grauon. his original country, and committed conforms a las leyes de su pais before his emigration; saving al- original, cometida antes de su emiways tho limitations established by gracion, esceptuando siempre las his original country. limitaciones establecidas por las leyes de su pais original. Amrcns III. ARTICULO III°. D£:'_:’§_[‘:*;’{¤ of The convention for the surrender La convencion para la entrega m,,_,~,,,',h,, Q,,_ in certain cases of criminals, fugi- mutua en ciertos casos, de crimitntuniin or tu- tives ti·om ju<tice,concludcd between nales fugitivos de la justicia, con- §'{""’“ l""'".J“"' the United States of America of the cluida entre la republica Mexicana \(.C il') l(‘l`T\l\lfI in , , . mn totes, one part, and the Mexican republic por una parte, y los Estados Unidos Vvl- xii @1199- on the other part, on the eleventh por la otra, el dia 01108 de Diciembre day of December, one thousand del uno de mil ochocientosysesenta eight hundred and sixty-one, shall uno, pcrmanece en vigor sin alterremain in full force without any acion ninguna. alteration. Anrxons IV. Anrrctmo IV°. ,m§,“:Q_‘,f‘Q]if,:°¥’°'f If a citizen of the United States Si un Norte Americauo naturalinouuced] naturalized in Mexico renews his zado en Mexico renueva su resiresidence in the United States with- dencia en los Estados Unidos, sin out the intent to return to Mexico, tener inteucion de volver a Mexico, he shall be held to have renounced se considerara que ha renunciado a his naturalization in Mexico. Recip- su naturalizacion en Mexico.- Rerocally, if a Mexican naturalized in ciprocamente, si un Mexicans natuthe United States renews his resi- ralizado en los Estados Unidos redence in Mexico without the intent nueva su residencia en Mexico, sin to return to the United States, he intencion de volver a los Estados shall be held to have renounced his Unidos, se consideruré. que ha renaturalization in tho United States. nunciado 6. su naturalizacion en los wgggytghz The intent not to return may be Estados Unidos. La intenciou do may be mmm held to exist when the person nat- no volver se considera que existe exist. uralized in the one country resides cuando la persona naturalizada en