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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/721

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CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. JULY 10, 1868. 689 in the other country more than two un pais resida en el otro mas de dos years, but this presumption may be aios, pero esta presuncion puede rebutted by evidence to the con- ser destruida por prueba en contrary. trario. ARTICLE V. ARTICULO V.° The present convention shall go La presente convencion comen- Whsnthis into effect immediately on the ex- zaré. a tenor efecto inmediatamente f°Q"°'l,Fl°Q ’l‘,f‘" change of ratifications, and it shall despues del cange de sus ratilica- nb; lbn?r:;ain remain in full force for ten years. ciones y durara vigente por diez i¤ Tome- If neither of the contracting par- afios. Si ninguna. de las dos parties shall give notice to the other tes contratantes notiiicare a la otra six months previously of its inten- con seis meses de anticipacion su tion to.terminate the same, it shall deseo de terminar, la convencion further remain in force until twelve permanece vigente hasta doce memonths after either of the contract- ses despues de que una de las partes ing parties shall have given notice contratantes haya notificado tal to the other of such intention. deseo a la otra. Amicus VI. ABTICUL0 VI.° The present convention shall be La presente convencion sera rati· Ratitlestioum ratified by the President of the ficada. por el Presidente de la re- ;'hl;°:°:’,b° °*' United States. by and with the ad- publica. Mexicana con aprobacion go ` vice and consent of the Senate del Congreso de la misma repniblica, thereof, and by the President of the y por el Presidente de los Estados Mexican republic with the approval Unidos con el consejo y consentiof the Congress of that republic, miento del Senado de los mismos and the ratifications shall be ex· Estados Unidos, y las ratificaciones changed in Washington within nine se cambiaran en Washington denmonths from the date hereotl tro de nueve meses contados desde In fhith whereof, the plenipoten- esta fecha. tiaries have signed and sealed this En fé de lo cual los plenipotenconvention at the city of Washing- eiarios han iirmado y sellado esta ton this tenth day of July, in the convencion en la ciudad de Washyear of our Lord one thousand eight ington a los diez dias de Julio del hundred and sixty-eight. aio del Senor de mil ochocientos sesenta y ocho. WILLIAM H. SEWARD. [L. s. M. ROMERO. [L. s.] M. ROMERO. [L. sa WILLIAM H. SEWARD. L. s. And whereas the said convention, as amended, has been duly ratified R¤¢l6<>¤¢i<>¤· on both parts, and the respective ratineations of the same have this day been exchanged: Now, therefore, be it known that I, Aumznw Jomrson, President of P'°°l’·'““**°“· the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause and article thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereofi In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this first day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. [sean] ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. v0L. xv. Tn1·:.x·r. -— 44