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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/744

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712 APPENDIX. Vcl- xiii pp. of the United States, which proclamations were severally issued on the eighth 787; NL 758- .day of December, 1863, on the twenty-sixth day of March, 1864, on the twenty- A"t°· P' 69°‘ ninth day of May, 1865, on the seventh day of September, 1867, and on the fourth day of July, in the present year; _ And whereas, the authority of the Federal Government having been re-established in all the States anu Territories within the jurisdiction of the United States, it is believed that such prudential reservations and exceptions as at the dates of said several proclamations were deemed necessary and proper may now be wisely and justly relinquished, and that a universal amnesty and pardon for participation in said rebellion extended to all who have borne any part therein will tend to secure permanent peace, order, and prosperity throughout the land, and to renew and fully restore confidence and fraternal feeling among the whole people, and their respect for amfl attachment Ito the National Government, desivned b its atriotic founders or the enera ood: Full pardon bNow, ytheregore, be it known that lg Annngw Jormson, President of the md “m““W United States, by virtue of the ower and authority in me vested by the Cong;?;;;;` gz aged stitution, and in the name of the sovereign people of the United States, do fn {hg lataés? hereby proclaim and declare unconditionally, and without reservation, to all bellion. and to every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion, a full pardon and amnesty for the offence of treason apainst the United States, or of adhering to their enemies during the late civi war, witlh ppstpration of alll rights, privileges, and immunities fnnder the Constitution an the laws which ave been made in ursuance thereo. In geipimonyi wfheglreoféllhagespipned gheie prestentsmwitgx my hand, and have cause esea 0 e me aes 0 e ereunoa xe . Done at the city of Washington, the twenty-fifth day of December, in the [SEAL] year of our Lord one thousand ei%ht hundred and sixty-eight, and of ‘ the Independence of the United tates of America, the ninety-third. B h P d ANDREW JOHNSON. yt e resident: F. W. Snxvnnn, Acting Secretary of Stale.