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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/745

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TO mum FOREGOING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LAWS, RESOLUTIONS, TREATIES, AND PROCLAMATIONS. A Adams, Aquilla, ' a ment to .. 380 Abbott. Trevelt, Adargsfllbs. Naomi, lieutenan t-c0mmanderUnited Statcsnavy, pension to ... . ... 448 may be ordered before retiring board Addzzional Bounties. See Bounty. for examination for restoration to active act in relation to . . . ... 834 list of navy. . .. 858 Additional Bounty Absence _ to certain enlisted soldiers maybe paid of the proper mternnl revenue stump to to their heirs . .. 37 be prima facie evidence in certain cases Additional Clerks, that the mx has not been paid. . ,..l56, 163 authorized to facilitate pnvment of sol- Aoademy, Aliiitqry. See Military Academy. diers’ bounties .. 43 npproplriutnons for .. 42, 268 preference given to certain soldiers Academy, oval. See Naval Academy. and sailors . 43 appropriations for .. 70, 278 authorized in Attorney-General's office.75, 76 Acapulco, their salaries, &c . 76 restoration of the Protestant American in Post-Office Department, authorized for Cemetery at., . . 321 su(perintendent of foreign mails . 196 Accessories and a ditionul compensation of officers to the embezzlement of the funds, Sw. of and clerks, appropriation for . 299 national banking associations by their Additional Pqy officers, how punished ... 339 to seamen, and lundsmen on bourdvessels Accounts of war, when acting as firemen and of army omcers, second auditor to audit conlhcavers 280 and settle in certain cases ... . 25 Adjutant-General, of disnillers, to be kept . 132, 133 appro riations for olllce of..l02, 103, 294, 295 to be rendered in duplicate . 133 Acyutanai-general: to state what . ... . 133 of States and Territories may send by to be sworn to l33 mnil,fmeof postage, medals, &c. awardhooks 0Q open to inspection of officers 133 ed to soldiers by egislutures . 248 to be reserved for two years. . . 133 A¢§utanL-General's Department, storekeeper to Keep daily .. 134 no new appointments, und no promotions recnitier to keep as prescribed by commis- in, until otherwise directed y law 318 sinner . . . .. 143 Admiral of the Nazy, _ _ wholesale dealer to keep as prescribed by and general of the army, to mqiiiro into _commissioner. . 1 ... 143 and report upon the Ryan-Hitchcock tobacco dealers and manufacturers to keep 155 mode of marine fortifications . 346 collector to keep, of sales of tobacco Advertisements, gv. stamps 155 in District of Columbia, Maryland, and collector to render monthly, of articles Virginia, to be published in certain stored in bond . . 165 newspapers 110 false (See Penalty). for other States, &c. not to be pub- Accounts, Pub/ic,lished in those papers, unIoss,_&c. . 110 balances of} stated by auditor and certified msg be printed in three newspapers in the by comptroller, not to be modified by istricr; of Columbia 110 heads of departments ... 54 to be selected by clcrk of house 110 Acknowiedqrrzenla of Deeds, Advertising, _ in the District of Columbia, provisions approprianon for, for Post-Omce Departconcerning . 6 ment: . .. . . _ 55 existing rights not affected . 6 _ limrt upon expenditure of .. 55 Ada County, Idaho, Ayww, LWN, _ _ county commissioners 06 may select a. reziplpointed. ez regent of the Smithsonian site for territorial prison . 282 sutuuou . 8-19