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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/766

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734 INDEX. Commissioners to Foreign Countries, Cmzgress, (continued.) upproprintions for, s:tluri·2s of ,.. .56, 319 t.lninksot,presented'te Qeorge Peabody.. 20 not to receive sulnries while absent irom acts requiring publication o1' debates n1, po~t, it, &c . .. 58, 321 repealed from March 4, 1869 . 110 Commissions, proposals to be invited for publishing pro. no new, in infantry regiments until, &c. . 318 eecdmgs and debates of .. I. . . 110 Contnii'sst'mzs to fu/ce Tesftniony,_ contruet to be made with Rives & Bzuley provisions lor executing in the District of lorrepprting and puplisliingpie debates 7 Columbia, 10 Obtain testimony 10 be of 01* two )'C211`S rom 21111 . 34 used i11 suits pending elsewhere. . .32-1, 325 if S21.IiSl11.C[O1'_V contract cimnot be mode, Company ll debates to be reported, &c. under direceighteenth U. S. infantry, clothing to tion of congiessiopal printer .. 34; issue to . . . . 259 E1.[11')l'O]11‘11\.i10l1S t ierc or 34 (,"onipomulr·i·s of Liquors, Con_qz·ess:'onul IQur_y1n_q-Gromit], delinition of .. 151 approprumons for cure, &c. of .. 309 special mx of . 151 how to be ex tended. ._ . 309 to procure ond keep n S1g11,1b1'1I1 of . 132 Congressional Globe and Appemhx, Cbiiilioitin]-Interns! Notes appropriations for. .92, 94, 111, 112, 171, 312 issue of temporary loan <•ertil‘ie1tes 1tu~ sets for new members .. I .. 312 thorized for the redemption ol. . . . 183 reporting and printing proceedings of Compmniist·s, Congress in .. 93, 94, 171, 312 of suits, &c. under the internal revenue udditioiiul compensation to reporters. .93, 171 laws . .. G0 all nets authorizing publication of debates when muy be mudc , .. 166 in Congress repealed from Mnrch 4, Complrollm of the (,'iu·rem·_q, 1869 . , ..,. 110 nppropriutions for the, and for offii-e Congressional .]mn·iiu/s IIJIIILDOCIIJJIPIZISQI b of .. 98, 17:1, 290 upproprintion for pacing and istri ntmuy revoke the uppointtnent of reet·ire1‘ mg . _. .: 100, 172, 291 for Furnu·rs’, Ste. Bank of Williams- for collecting, elnssttytng, und l)1`C- bur··, N. Y ...,.. 2-19, 2-19 serving 291 ditty dt, in respect to reports rcquiretl by rooms 1or,toHbc assigned in the Depurtlnw of muiomd bnulaing associations mentof the Interior 292 326, 327 Congrimszonal Libraijy. See Liluury of Countess. (,'amph·o//mw o/` the 7`rmsury, appropriations for .. 95, 285, 286 certnin bnlaniees eerthird to by, not to be pny_l`or enlargement of 172 modified hy bends of depntinctits 54 Congimsioizctl I·‘miter, nppi·opri.uions lin- .. 97. 173, 2z1s, 290 upproprintion 1`orincreased compensation to 35 (.'on/7»tle·mr¢·zI l’wi·i'as, [fits/rosLfus, Watts, and duty ol} under the not in relntion 50 the I’1’¢z11L·t·.J1<11t·s ])1'O1l’l1llg2l1.10l1 of the l1\WS of the 1111011 trrntv with, of February 23, ISG7 513, 518 Suites . 40 pnrt·ln1~:ctso1' l|1.l1(li1`()|11,1.0 ret·t—ire ptucnls letteps, &<·. to und trout on business of frotn the United Suites . . 518 o ice, to be free of postuge .. 40 CO1`lt\i11 hnttls 111l1't'l11\SL2(.l. f1‘0tn the Scttevtts nppropritttion for pity of . 95, 285 and Qunpnws, to be sold to .. 519 for vontingcntexpenses of oiliec of. . 95 will remove to their new homes within to print, &c. 3,000 copies ofPostmustertwo years . . . . 519 (lunci·nl’s Report . .. 2-15 nmouuts due to the, to be pnid them. .. 519 to print additional copies of public doclurther ullownnres . .. 519, 527 uments, &<·. und dt-liver to joint comcertnin taxes to be reihndcd .. 5151, 527 mittee on librury for cxclittiige 261. the Mimnies may be united with .. 520 duty ot] conditionally, us to reporting und pwytnont lo,'for l)i11.('kS111ltl1 tools, mn'. . 520 printing [l1CdCb1\i'.CS 111 Congress. . 347 ull clttnns lor losses by the wnr rehn- Connecticut, ,,q_ui—hcd .. 520 post—ronds cstnlilislied in 272, 273, 327 register to be token . 520 Corziinctirut Avenue and Par/e [fin/way Uouipmiy, those tvlshing to rcnuin nrty beeotne incorporated in the District of Cohimritizcns . . ... . . . . 520 bin .. . ..85 - 88 Conqrrgaliott of the First P1‘esb_qlcri¢u1 C/mrc/tof Conm·rli'cut lt’[um·, il'us.'tiny!ou, d rnwbridgo muy be crccto d over,nenr Midnrt to incorporate the . Sl dletown, by the New Huvcn, MiddleclI}1’[1`t’:iS, town, 1}.1}. Cn . 272 members of, muy be elected muno;;er·: of lp; the Shore Line Ruilxvtty Co. . 273 the nuzionul usylum for disabled roiun- Connolly, . ohmzna, tecrs . ... . ., 1 pension to ... 424 ·m:>:t1ltly pnvnient of s=xl.tries, to be Connolly, Ihomas, made to those who have tuken tho pension to ... 393 required oath .. 24 Corzserm/oiy, miloatgge to July 1, 1807, to be puid to 24 appropriations for .. 95, 172, 309 to npprovc constitutions of rebel Stwtrs, how to be expended . .. 309 tmnsmittcd to them by t1ic1‘rosident, C'ansti'tutfot• <y" the United Stores, if, the . 4 resolution proposing tho fifteenth nmendto tlt·<·l;i:·e the 13t.tt<:n entitled to representtv ment to the ... . 346 [tion. il, ltr . 4 fourteenth nmendment to, certified to be $(:11:11.11*; ond 1·:pi·i-seutzuivcs to be nd- adopted and declnred valid .. . 710 ‘mit.tcd to, from such States .. 4 ee lrburtccnth Amendment, &c.