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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/767

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INDEX. 735 Constitulion and Laws, Consular and D; g, · Wm, persons wnrncd against obstructing the, Tunst£1.Tf.€ .(f?}til?`:?{?;)320 _ and enjoined obedience to ... 698 Winnepeg, Selkirk Settlement .. 320 Cqmstztulcens, _ _ snlar of consul established at of States lately in rebellion, qualifications hankck ... . . 1 ... 322 of yoters at elections held for the mtili- Buenos Ayres ... 320 cation of . 2 .. _ .. . 41 Hukodndi ... . 320 provision for calling conventions to form, Valencia . . ._ . 320 for rebel States .. _ .. _ . 3, I5 bringing home persons changed with when formed, to be submitted to registered crime . . 58 321 voters ter ratification. . _. . .: 3 marshals for courts ... I. .58; 321 whnt vote, necessary to ratihention. .• 8, 4 salaries of eensuls at Osncu and Ycddo, copies ot, to be sent to the President at Japan . . . . 58 and by him to be transmitted to Con- rent 0i' prisons for American convicts gress . . ... . . ._ .. 4 in Chinn, Japan, Sium, and Turto be approved by Congress, if, &c . . 4 key . . ... 58 821 See Conventions. Rebel States. ferrestoration of the Protestant American. Construction gmt Repair, Cemetery at Acapulco, Mexico. . . . . . . 321 upproprmtxons for bureau e£ 71, 104, 105, ministers, &e. to Huyti and Liberia. . .58, 321 _ 279, 297 suppiessien of the slave-trade 58, 321 C'onstz·u¢·twn _Branch g' Treasury Department, salaries of judges to he pnid only on conappropriations for .. 97, 114, 173, 288, 305 diiion, &c.. . ... 321 appropriations for construction of public request to he made for ebregmion of that uildings, how to be disbursed.. . .305, 306 part of treaty, requiring the keeping up Consular Agmcies, of mixed courts 321 expenses cf, not to exceed $500 nyear. .. 58 salaries of United‘Smtcs otlivers conlimit to nllowance to, for expenses. . 322 · nected with such courts then to Cbnsular Agents, cease . ... . . 82I not te exact tonnage fees on United States expenses uudcrneutmlit act . 58, 321 vessels touching ut ports in Canada, fourth instalment of Scheldtdues 58 unless, &c .. . ... 260 fifth instalment of Scheldt dues 321 appropriations for . . 57, 319 officers of army or navy holding may dip- Consular and Dip/omaxic Expenses, lomatic ettiee, to be eonsidered us havuppropriations for, for the years ending ing resigned, '&c. ... 58 June 30, 1869, and June 30, 1870 . 56, diplomatic and consular officers not to 319 — 322 receive salaries while absent from post, envoys, ministers, and commissioners. 56, 319 ii &c . . 58 additional salary of minister resident to nc: to encourage immigration repealed. .. 58 the Argentine Republic and to Uru- diplomatic and eonsulnrofiicers not to rcguay, when to commence, and to c011— ecive salaries while absent item post becinue how long ... . . 319 youd sixty days in any one year . . 321 secretaries of lcgarion and assistants. .56, 319 additional allowance ter time in going interpreters to legatiens, &c. to Turkey, and returning .. 321 Chinn, and Ja nn . . ..56, 58, 319, 321 repeal of former lnw .. 321 at Bnnkok, glam .,... 322 fees for vcriticatious of invoices by censueonzingent expenses offereigu intercourse lar officers to cover what . 321 56, 319 penalty upon consular etiieers for illegal _ for what only to be expended ... 56 charges 321 consulates in the Turkish doininions. .56, 310 dismissal from eiiice, fine, imprisonrelietQ &c. of American seamen in foreign ment .. 321 countries 56, 319 ceusuls, &c. in Cunudu not to be allowed rescuing seamen from shipwreck. . 56, 319 tonnage fees on certain vessels ... 822 blank books, smtionery, &c . . 56, 319 tonnage or clearance' fees not to be oiliec rent of consuls, &c. not allowed to cluwgetl vessels making regular dmly trude,and for exchange ... 56, 319 trips between the Unncd States and s2i.lzu·ic< of cousuls-general, consuls, c0m~ Cnnada, except upon first clearing m merrial agents, &e . . . .57,319, 320 each year T . 322 salary et' consul ut Guztymns established. 57 examinations to b0 made in the accounts_ moneys in excess of .15 1,000 received by of consnlar ctheers, and the busme<s ot comuls, &c. from vice-consuls, &c. to be their ohices . . : . 322 paid inte the treasury. . . . 57 agents to examine accounts, &c. 0i conexpenses of vice-consulates not to exceed suis, &c. to be appointed . .:522 8 500 so. year ,... . .. 58 their power, pay, lic . . . .322 salary of eonsnls whose present pay is not names, (ec. of agents to he commu- <>\‘01‘ $1300, und where fees puid into mcated to Qongress at cuvh Dc- U) the treasury nrc orcr $3,000, estab- ecmher sessien ... I . 32- lished nt $2,000 at year. . . .. . 58 consular eiliccrs wilfuily neglecting to allowance for rent of rho consu1’s offices render true accounts of the business of ut Paris ... 319 their office, and of moneys received by consulates at Pmés und London te‘be them for the United States, or nc;:l_cctcalled c0nsn1:1tcs·m~ncral . . . .. 320 ing te pny over money due the United. appointment und sa1m·y of consul nt Smres, to be deemed guilty of cm- qq Burmc:1 . ... . 329 bezzlemcut., _ 3-.. `Birmingluun . .., 3;:0 on conviczzou, to be numslicd by nn-