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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/768

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734 TREATY WITH THE GRAND DUCHY OF BADEN. JULY 19, 1868. gké f*Y*°*. Md change of ratifications, and shall catiouen in Kraft und hat fiir t§,vQe?ng °°°` continue in force ten years. If zehn Jahre Giiltigkeit. Wenn kein neither party shall have given t0` Theil dem andern sechs Monate vor the'other six months' previous no- dem Ablauf dieser zehn Jahre Mittice of its intention then to termi- theilung von seiner Absieht macht, nate thesame, it shall remain in force denselben alsdann aufzuheben, so until the end of twelve months after soll er ferner in Kraft bleiben bis either of the contracting parties shall zum Ablauf von zwolf Monaten, have given notice of such intention. nachdem einer der contrahirenden Theile dem andern von einer solchen Absicht Kenntniss gegeben. ARTICLE VI. Amuxmr. VI. when to be The present convention shall be Der gegenwartige Vertrag soll m‘°°d‘ ratified by his Royal Highness the von Seiner Koniglichen Hoheit Grand Duke of Baden and by the dem Grossherzog von Baden und President, by and with the advice dem Prasidenten unter und mit and consent of the Senate of the Genehmigung des Senats der Ver- United States, and the ratifications einigten Staaten ratificirt, und die shall be exchanged at Carlsruhe as Ratincation zu Carlsruhe sobald als soon as possible. moglich ausgewechselt werden. Zu Urkuude dessen haben die Execution. In faith whereof the plenipoten- Bevollmachtigten diesen Vertrag tiaries have signed and sealed this unterzeiclmet und besiegelt. convention. Carlsruhe, the 19th July, 1868. Carlsruhe, den 19 Juli, 1868. GEORGE BANCROFT. v. FREYDORF. [sent.] [snr,.] Ratification. And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications were exchanged at Berlin, on the seventh u timo: Proclaimed by Now, therefore, be it known that I, Utrssus S. GRANT, President of the

 E;‘§;%°“° ° United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made public,

States. to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observled anfd fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereo . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afiixed. Done in the city of Washington, this tenth day of January, in the year [SEAL ] of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and of the ' Independence of the United States the ninety-fourth. U. S. GRANT. By the President: HAMILTON Fxsu, Secretary of State.