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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/781

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i CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. Novmmnna 16, 1868. 747

 Oonvention between the United States and Belgium. Naturalization.

`- A Uoncluded, November 16, 1868; Exchanged, July 10, 1869; Pro· " claimed, July 30, 1869. ` BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Nw_ 13, 1g6g_ A PROCLAMATION. Wnnnnas a convention regulating the citizenship of those persons who p,.,,,,,,m°_ emigrate from the United States of America. to Belgium, and from Belgium to the United States of America, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Brussels on the sixteenth day of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, the original of which convention, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows :-— The President of the United Le President des Etats-Unis Contrasting States of America and his Majesty d’Amérique et sa Majesté le Roi P”°l°'• the King of the Belgians, led by des Belges, animés du désir de the wish to regulate the citizenship régler ln nationalité des personnes of those persons who emigrate from qui emigrent des Etats·Unis d’Amé- the United States of America to %iqueen Belgique etde Belgique aux Belgium, and from Belgium to the tate-Unis d’Amérique, ont résolu United States of America, have de conclure une convention sur ce resolved to make a convention on sujet et ont nommé pour leurs plenithis subject, and have appointed for potergiares, savoir: Le President their plenipotentiaries, namely: The des tats-Unis d’Amérique, Eenri President of the United States of Shelton Sanford, citoyen des tats» America, Henry Shelton Sanford, a Unis, son ministre resident pres sa citizen of the United States, their Mejesté le Roi des Belges, et sa minister resident near his Majesty Majesté le Roi des Belges, le Sieur the King of the Bel 'ans; and his Jules Vander Stichelen, grand con- Majesty the King cfg the Belgians, don de l’Ordre du Lion Néerlandais, the Sieur Jules Vander Stichelen, &a., &a., &a., son ministre des grand cross of the Order of the aifaires étrangeres; lesquels, apres Dutch Lion, &c., &c., &c., his min- s’etre communiqué leurs pleinsister of foreign affairs; who, after pouvoirs trouvés en bonne et due having communicatedto each other forms, sont convenus des articles their full powers, found to be in suivant: good and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles :—— Axrronn I. Anrrcrn I". Citizens of the United States Les citoyens des llltats-Unis qui 1i.tfectotnatuwho may or shall have been natu- auront été naturalisés en Belgique, :*;Qm';Q>';;“m°, ralized in Belgium will be consid- seront considérés par les Etats·Unis cgtmh, of fhq ered by the United States as citizens comme oitoyens Belges. Récipro· <>tlmof Belgium. Reciprocally, Belgians quement, les Belges qui auront été who may or who shall have been naturalisés aux 1lltats—Unis seront naturalized in the United States considérés par la Belgique comme will be considered by Belgium as citoyens de Etats-Uniscitizens of the United States.