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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/782

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748 CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. Novnunun 16, 1868. Anrrcnn II. Anrrotn II. Citizens, upon Citizens of either contracting par- Les citoyens de Punerdes parties '°*¤':*r*°j’,f§,';‘°l ty, in case of their return to their qui auront été naturahses, ne pour- $u:,ig{,,_ gw_ original country, can be prosecuted rout, en cas de retour dans leur pays committed be there for crimes or misdemeanors d’origine étre poursuivis pour les §°°’:““°“’°hz°` committed ·before naturalization, crimes ou delits qu’ils auraient com- ' saving to them such limitations as mis avant leur naturahsatmn, que si are established by the laws of their lapréscriptionlneleur est pas acquise original country. djsprss les lots de leur pays d’origme. Anrrcnn III. Aarrcnn III. Natumlized Naturalized citizens of either Les citoyens naturalisés de l’une

'l‘:‘;m_ contracting party who shall have on- de l’autre partie qui auront

ttm-y ssrvicsin resided live years in the country reside cmq ans dans le pays qui les Miziml ¤¢>¤¤¤‘y· which has naturalized them, cannot a naturalisés ne pourront, en cas de be held to the obligation of military retour dans leur pays d`0rlgine, étre service in their original country, or recherchés du chef des obligations to incidental obligation resulting au service militaire, principales au therefrom, in the event of their accessoires, exccpté dans les cas de return to it, except in cases of desertion d’un corps militaire ou desertion from organized and em- navalorganisé ou dans les cas qui y bodied military or naval service, or seraient assimilér par les lois de ce those that may be assimilated there- dernier pays. to by the laws of that country. Aarxcuc IV. Anrrctn IV. Pmvlsionsasto Citizens of the United States Les citoyens des liltats-Unis natu- '°°°'°'Y,°f°l*·i7 naturalized in Belgium shall be ralisés en Belgique seront considérés

l°£§¤l¥y?¤gl` considered by Belgium as citizens par la Belgique comme citoyens des

of the United States when they liltats-Unis lorsqu’ils auront recoushall have recovered their character vré cette qualité conformément aux as citizens of the United States lois de leur pays d’origine. Ré- according to the laws of the United ciproquement, les Belges naturalisés States. Reciprocally, Belgians aux Etats-Unis serout réputés naturalized in the United States comme Belges par les Etats-Unis shall be considered as Belgians by l0rsqu’ils auront recouvré la qualité the United States when they shall de Beige conformémeut aux lois de have recovered their character as la Belgique. Belgians according to the laws of Belgium. Asrxcm V. Anrrcnn V. _Whsn comm. The present convention shall La present convention sera mise ggtgnighlggf- enter into execution immediately a exécution immediatement apres my to °0,,mmB_ after the exchange of ratiiications, Péchange des ratifications et demeuand shall remain in force for ten rera en vigueur pendantldix ans. years. It; at the expiration of that Si, a Pexpiration de ce terme, aucune period, neither of the contracting des parties n’a annoncé a 1'autre, parties shall have given notice six six mois a 1’avance, son intention months in advance of its intention d’en faire cesser les eifets, elle to terminate the same, it shall conservera sa force obligatoire juscontinue in force until the end of qu’a Pexpiration de douze mois twelve months after one of the apres que Pune des parties contraccoutracting parties shall have given tantes aura donné avis a l’autre de notice to the other of such intention. semblable intention.