968 LTDEX. Austro-Hrmgarian Zlfanarcliy, (continued.) Baker, G. S., _ convention when to take effect and how new bond to be issued to .. 660 long to continue 836 bond of indemnity .. 660 Austro-]! ungurian Empire, Baker, James, convention with, of Nov. 25, 1871, con- claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 741 cerning trade-marks .. 917 Baker, Luc:] C. and llhtry A., when to take effect and how long to payment to, hr diplomatic services rencontinue ... 918 919 dered by their father olm M. Baker, reproduction of trade marks used in the deceased . I 706, 707 one country, &c., iorbidden in the Baker, Thomas, other .. 917, 918 claim of] allowed by commissioners . . 757 exclusive right to use trade-marks, not Baldwin, Joseph, to continue longer titan, &c. 918 damages awarded to, by commissioners if trade-mark has become public prop- of claims , _ . 692 erty, it shall be tree to all . 918 “Balear," The Brztzsh Brig, Owners of trade-marks wishing to secure American register to be issued to . . . 339 their rights, &.c., to deposit copies, Ballots, A h &c. . . . . . 918 votes for representutivesgn Congress to uz entimlion be by written or prime . . . . . 61 of documents, records, &c., in the De- Ball, Samuel, partment of Justice ... 35 payment to, for livestock . . . . . 714 Autry, Aida; A., Bales, Parnell, pension to ... 720 claim oi} allowed by commissioners . . 753 Aves Is/and C/aims, Baltimore, convention with Venezuela, for the set- appropriations for office of assistant téeals- 4 tlement of .. 803 urer at . , 1, 96 amount to be paid and to whom . . . 803 _ for custom-houseand postfoffice at, 125 mode of payment and interest . 803, 804 Baltimore and Potomac Rmlroad Co., Award by the Tribunal at Geneva, may extend its track in Wasliington city, 140 money paid to the United States under may use grounds for a passenger, &c., tlie, how to be used . . . . . . . 601 depot .. 140, 141 Axline, David, repeal of former act granting a site to, payment to, for live-stock . . . . . 713 for passenger depot ... 141 provision as to taxes, tracks, rails, grade, bridge, &c. .. 141 damages to private property . . . . 141 B, B regulations ratified .. 141 an '/earing-House Exchanges, Bucher, Anthony W., act to facilitate . 336 claim ot} allowed by commissioners . . 757 Banking Associations. See Natioitul Banks. Bacon, Augustine, Ban/cs, appropriation to pay, for services as post- 20 tax upon deposits, capital, &c., ot, to be route agent .. 1 paid semi·annually ... 256 a ment to, for services as route-a ent, 654 but to be calculated at the rate or P Y S P Bagwell Ri/ey G., month, as before prescribed . . 256 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 741 words "ca.pitel employed," not to in- Buhon, John, clude, &c ... 255 homestead application of; declared valid, 657 deficiencies in capital stock of} to be Bailey, Elizabeth, made up . . . 603 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 760 no attachment, &»c., against, in State Baile , Francis, court, until, &c . 603 niamages awarded to, by commissioners appropriations for replacing mutilated of claims, . . . . . . . . . . 692 notes and preparing new circula- 51 ) Bailqy, George 1 . E. tion .. 348, L pension to . . i . . . . . 782 to be reimbursed by the corporations, 512 Bailey Ilurvqy, names of certain cliatwetl as follows: —- claim of allowed by commissioners . . 757 Warren National Barnk of South Dani. Bailey, Parke vers to \Varren National Bunk 0 claim of,,allowed by commissioners . . 757 Peabody .. 38 Bailey, .ltz'u<=s und, First National Bank of Annapolis, contract to be made with, for reporting, Md., to Traders National Bank of &c., debates in Congress for the 42d Baltimore ... 281, 282 Congressé .. 47 Railroad National Bank of Lowell, Boz`l¢>_q, S/mmm '., Mass., to Railroad National Bank of credit to be allowed, in settlement of his Boston ..,.. _ . 194 accounts for money stolen · . · · 652 National Bank of Lyons to Second Na- 404 Bai/eq, Wi/qq, tional Bank of lonia, .. claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 East Chester National Bank of Mt. Baird, Nm-oh, Vernon to German Nation1.1Bank pension to ... . . . . 721 of Evansville .. 409, 410 Baker, Daniel, First National Bank of Ncwnan, Ga., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 757 i to National Bank of Commerce, 417, 418 Baker, Ifrlururd ]}l':·lrz'nsm1, i First National Bank of Vifatkins, BY., appropriation for statue of . 513 _ to First National Bank of Penn 1 ann, 467
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