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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1007

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INDEX. 967 A¢¢¢»·My·GeM(¤Y. _ Austin, Edmund, salmy ot, estabhshed from March 4, elaim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 1875 I. I ... 486 glustm, Hemy, a.pproprmtions for office of the . . 82, 508 claim 0Q allowed by commissioners . . 745 pax of the Attomey·Gencral, soil- Auszin, William A., c1tor·genera.1, ussmmnt attomeys- damages awarded to, by commissioners geqeml, &c. . .' .. 508 Of claims . . G9`}. to detcymme what portion of the appro- AM3[T0•Hu7lg(lTl'(LH Monarchy, Rrwtmn for the detection and proseeu- convention with, of July 11, 1870. . . 821 tion ofcnmes shall be expended during consuls, &c., may be appointed, and at the uqrrent year . : O . . 6 what places . . 822 apprqprumon for salary of additional may act in the whole of their disa.ss1stu.nt ... : _. . . 6 trict ... 822 toczhpprovc plan of new building at 24 to Pe recoégnized, upon presenting 1ca.g0 ... txeir cre eutials .. S22' to allow district attorney and clerks in exequatur and its effect, ., . . . 822 Northern district of Illinois for extra- when exempt from certain services ordinary services in restoring the rec- and charges 822 0rds of the courts ... 41 when subject to certain charges . . 823 t0. approve of title of lands taken or their personal immunities 828 purchased for enlarging the public not to be summoned as witnesses grounds about the Capitol 83 except, &c .. . . . 828 to direct the expenditure of the appro- their testimony, how tq be given . 823 priaticn for the defence of suits for may place the arms of their nation the seizure of captured and abandoned over the chief entrance of their 24 property .. 349 offices .. 8 to make report thereof to Congress, 349 when sind where may hoist their for the defence of claims under the country's dag ... 824 convention with Mexico . . . 349 may appoint vice-eonsuls and cunfor tl}e detecijop &c., of crimes su'ar agents, subject, ._8Q4, 825 aga.111sI: the Dmted States . . . 350 may ·app_ly lto authorities withm for the prosecution of claim due 360 thm; dxstn-nets t .f h. 825 the United States . . w 1en to tue governmen 0 _ B to approve the deeds of conveyance of country inrncvhich they reside, 825 lands purchased thr the Columbia In- may puke dep0s1tions, receive ani} szitution for the deaf and dumb . . 360 verify wills and H.§,`l`€0lT}€H`lES, 820, 826 to transfer to the proper aucnoritiesvof sugx _¤gr§mel11ts, 16a;:., bunder Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and y- 1Q1I` 0·cm. sea 0 _& feoming, the penitentiaries in these Ter- cewed m courts of Jusuce ritories, and the personal property aslegal documents, &c. 826 therein ... 419 may translate and leguhze certmu to bring suit in equity against the Union documents . . ._ . _ 826 Pacific Railroad Company, and all 509 thenrfoxvers inn§f<u2;s sgntigesyzlwig h &c. 0 ne vesses I 1 pegizzzgiifés in such suit 509 their officers myq crews . ._ 826-831 to direct the expenditure of certain a,p— local authorxtxes not to unter- 828 gropriaticus for defending claims un- fere, except, &O. . - · 829 er convention with Mexico 512 deserters, arrest, &c., of . I , for defence of suits in the Court of damages SUHGPECI by VGSSG S at 829 Claims for the seizure, &»c., of cap- 66** · · · · · • 831 tugedgmperty . . . L . . . 5I? sa.lv`?ge of wieckeélitiiia . .824 for V1()13.[l0I1 of mtercourse acts . . 512 their are uves to e m o` & . fbr frauds in the Indian sergice .] . 512 in casetooicgeath, absence, c., 0, 824 ·' f l' t . who .. . . foI:Ul$3g(§Lg€3¥€s .c?mjs . lic . if 512 the dea,th_of certam cuuzens of one for detection of crimes against the country m the other tobe made ncwu 881 United States ... 512 to the_ccnsuls . _ . .h . n. . . . 832 to make annual report to Congress at convenlnon b00()Ht}Ht:1Bfo; tg §0·1é70· commencement of each regular ses- 578 c0|Izgnp:g2u;;g izgticsp · » 885-837 s' . ... con rm _·l •. . . 1(;·Ie;>ort to include what . 578 when and how cyqzens 0:; e{the1;};=0;1ntry 834 Auditor [IU? ]'r'€1,lSZl);y/bf [hd POS!-0_mC8 D€* d tglgéctenaéug partment, acl_ _ ’ 834 ', df iii of, 68,493 n,l1znucn._: . ._. . . . . g34g5g5R2J2UOggjgeruamg, mm) £‘i>st;·0f’dce uatumliqed cltxgcns lmble on ?l6|l'g.GE;ll': acc .. 287, 325 to tl1c?:w<§·1E;?::eo:[;§x;:g;i0%r 0 elce 834 See Post-office Deparzment. commn _ I n . . ; Audiwrs of the Treasmjy Deprértmmt, m { es;;:{:I:a£_;;_$g; using; iilme t of cer 835

 f, foccso _ .1 IS-.-...-.

”p€°»I`?"T`°1?"&T fx. afi . (ir . 67, 68, 493 coqventnou wxgh, gn exxrad1tion_0f pay ¤r,esmb1iS1ma .. sos, 509 qveg fipm mvsgcgzg °f"°f¤_° _‘°_ 835 Augcnstein, Mo;-;:;, ·(r0D\?Ql071S _ _ I comm. how re- Gbim of, to be examined, and amount citizen¤h;1p m Orlgma Y,l l 836 due him to be paid ... 687 covere . . . .