970 INDEX. Beans, PWIl[am H. H., Bestar, George C., _ payment to, for live-stock . 713 payment to heirs of, . . . 788 claim of estate of, allowed by commis· Betts, zcy, sinners .. . . . . 757 claim of allowed by commissioners . . 751 Beard, G'. W., Beulah Baptist Church, Wushinglon, D. C'., may receive pay of retired second assist- building. lmown as Wisewell Barracks ant engineer in the navy . . . 652, 663 to be given to 19 Beatty, William, for what purposes only to be used . 19 payment tc, for live-stock , 714 Biggs, Hemjy, Beaumcnl, John C., _ claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 758 to be restored as captain, on the active Bzllue, Robert T., B list of the navy . . . . 378 B dclaimpoz alleged gy commissioners . . 758 eazg/`ort, S. C., in ing u ic. ee ongressiona, rintcr. premises occupied as a court-house in, pay of foreman of, established 64 to be released to county, &c. . . . 832 appropriations for ._ ._ 64, 510 Becker, gllargargglq, B_ kl amounts, how distributed 510 pension to .. . 653 zn ey, atterson, Beckerl, William, _ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 damages awarded to, by commissioners Bmfford, David, _ _ B k of claims .. 692 daniaees awarded'to, by commissioners 6 ec with, Lewis, 0 caims . . . . . . . . . . 92 Bwlefilagrgx of] allowed by commissioners . . 742 Birchi Isaac? H d b I I 757 qfor Abram, · C Rim O , 5 OWG y COIHIHISSIOUQFS . . cicdit to be allowed, in settlement of his Bird; Randolph, d d t b accounts .. . . . . 686 amages awar e o y commissioners Beemer, John WC, _ of claims . . . , . . . 692 B Claim of; allowed by commissioners . . 758 Bm:}3 Samuel, d d t b _ _ cer, amages awar e o ycommissxoners internal tax upon .. 245 249 of claims .. 692 by whom to be paid .. ’ 245 Bifklléad, Jane AUM, _ Below, T/wmas, payment to, as heir of Alexander Watdamages awarded to, by commissioners _ son, deceased ... 690, 691 of claims .. 692 Bzrdsall, Benjamm, Bell, Burrell, payment to, for live-stock . 718 claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 750 _ claim of,·a1lowed by commissioners . . 757 Bell, Daniel, Btrdaall, Beryamm, Jumor, Bed clai;11 of, allowed by commissioners . . 757 B dP¤};¤;¤€ Wil of live-stock ····- 713 , Gi bert, ir sal ebora . Bell of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 B_ hclaiiln ¢?; ull0we,d by commissioners . . 758 0 Tl, ts vp, . ., ’cIaim oil allowed by commissioners . . 745 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 Bell, Jviw M, Bam, Ranma, claim of estate of, allowed by commis- 745 claim of esiate of, allowed by commis- 7 Sl0n€I‘S... '(m5rs,,,,_,,,_,,53 B¤~d¢*‘» Le””.‘» Bishopibampson, daxnjtgres awarded to, by commissioners claim Og; allowed by commissioners _ _ 742 B 71 ° Ejlmms d` k ’ ‘'‘ 692 Bitler R00tW1lley, Zlfontuna Territmjy, en {rmi) omnian Erm- h_· ·,_ _ al I Flashead Indians and others to be PB- °m$y"%;t°'° ‘S °'*€*“ P me °“ 164 moved from the, to the Jocko reserva- 226 Benicia Arsenal, tmp'si `'’’ ,' ’ ` appropriations for .. 363, 525 ce:;?; iznggttlgxgggi tg be survey ed and 227 B°m°"*.‘I' M" may be sold to whom- l I l l 227 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 quantity and price _’ _ 22-I Balm)-7* Be"]?""" F" ,.84 school sections and town sites . . 227 Bern£°r}$;?l';’/(2, '‘‘‘ ’‘' ° ‘ I certain, not to be open to seetlcment claim oi, allbwed by commissioners . . 745 Elnjgr fh? h?m?st?mi a'fd_pr?’elj)pil°é 227 BBW`]/ma", C¤]v"'¢ Ou _ _ account of sales to be kept, and propayment to, for losses sustained by lns 65 ceeds how applied ______ 227 f°·U"”` ··········· 6 certain Indians may remain in the and Berryman Ozway H., reém t 160 acres ea -11 . . . ) . . 227 payment to children of} for losses sus- P ateiit to issue without ower of . - P . . · P tamed by . . . . . . 66o alienation .. . . . 227 Berryman, William BL, notice of intent, &c., to be given payment to, for losses sustained by his before, &c . . . . . 227 father . . . 665 notice to Indians ... 227 Berry, Milos D., John Owen may obtain title to certain claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 748 lands in . ._ . . . . . . . . . 227 Berry, WH/iam T., Black, Elizabeth, claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 753 pension to . . . . . . . . . . . 724 Bcsl, Calvin C'., Black John, claim oi] allowed by commissioners . . 751 payment to, for services rendered . . . 714
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