INDEX. 971 Black, Samuel, Bm,-do S · pay ment to, for work on Louisville Canal, 679 fwllizviagigdillrltgdl) 36 Bi¤¢/UM !~di¤~S» toserve wimmapétyi I ``°° as appropriations for the . 167, 440 to report plan to Congress l t U I 36 Blackmwc, W illium Fo ex euses .. . • I 31 claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 758 Boardqf Vlsitors to Military Academyl • Biac/-¢!l,D¤vi<1s¤~, appropriations for . ’. 156 481 claim otQ allowed by commissioners . . 742 three members of the House of Repres Blackwell, James M., seutatives of the forty-third Congress claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 742 to be appointed by speaker of present Blair, Captain Brice X., House . .. . . . . 481 credit to be allowed in settlement of no- Boards, counts ... 723 customs dut on, from An ust 1, 1 2 . 1 Blanchard, William, Bodine, MargarctyHC, g S7 23 payment to, for dstaining certain wit- damages awarded to, by commissioners nesses ... 664 of claims .. 692 Blank Agency, Boehm/er, Frederrick, for Post-office Department, ut Washing- sureties of, to be relieved from judgton, I). C .. . . . . . 289 ment . . . . . . . .. 729 Blankinship, Peyton, Bogrr, Ju/m, damages awarded to, by commissioners payment to, for live-stock . . . . . 714 of claims . . 692 Boyer, Gabriel, Blackade, claim oi] allowed by commissioners . . 749 treaty provisions with Italy concern- Boggs, W. R., ing ... 850-852 disabilities removed from .. 735 Block Island, Boise (Iii!/· Idaho, • keepers of life-saving stations on the provisions of coinage aut of 1873 as to coasts of, to be appointed, and their assay office at . 433 pay 410 appropriations for assay oiilce at, 73, 124, 498, crews of surfmeu, &c. . L . 410 532 life-saving stations on, to be under whose Bois Form, supervision . . . . . . 410 appropriations for the . . . . . 167, 441 Blcods, Bulger, Abel W, _ appropriations for the . . . . . 167, 440 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 Blount, Elzzabeth, Bolling, Ihchard lt., _ damages awarded to, by commissioners credit to be allowed, in settlement of his of claims .. 692 accounts ... 704 Blunt, Temple J., Bolton, Peter, _ _ damages awarded to, by commissioners claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 of claims . . . . . . 692 Bonded Cars,§»·c., _ Blymer, George, sealed by a. customs oiHcer,pass1n€fY0m liability ot} as surety for Josiah S. Diehl, place to place rn the United L tutes released ... 766 through toreign territory, not to pay Board of Commissioners, fees for manifests . . . . . . . 215 to construct a new jail in the District of Banded Merchandise, _ _ Columbia. .. 211 transported carriers by rml, rnaytbe Boarda Health transferre rom car ocarwien 18 in gre District of Columbia, s.ppropria— gauges of connecting railroads differ. 16 tions for pay of the memggs 24Lf 540 Bonded_ lllfarehouaz erected for at M mphi the , 5 ’, url mg 0 , c s, salary of members of, established . 400 Tenn. ..,. 470 Board of Public lV0rk<, Bonded Hjarebozzseip _ of the District of Columbia, appmpria- certam goods in, August 1, 1812, to pay 288 tion for pay of the . _ . 7, 526 whit d}1l·,Y · · ·_ · ·b- ·, ·t · 288 certain members not to draw salaries as, dui10S PW] °¤ S°°d? m· t° ° “d·l“° ° ‘ &0· ... . 7 certain goods not in, July 31, 1872, but 559 to be RH existing board from the time of 7 Bo d in port, entitled to same benefits as, &0., the ualification of its members . . n s, to éxgcise the powers, &c., of certain taken by Post-0N9e dD§P¤;`tm9Ytl'7X3|;$ Gommissicners of streets 10 grade to the Unite ta GS 0 287 · ‘ a, ...,. mZLZZEZ;,Y.Z?*`T“?”? Q'? °T‘“T‘ ?“. 10 of postmasters and special tiggttzgg 297 to Supervise the paving of Pennsylvania 10 B dx }’gstPo'i‘Eloe0'Bemrtme¤t . 289, , » .. on . _ _ , , mdlgggée orivate pronerty for the im- for BXPOTTZMOU of dlgtlugd *P“"°° t° b? 559 Pl‘0V0me¤t of M Street and Seventh ca.n0el1ed_¤p0§ pfo0 , 9- ···· Street southwest 10 Bonds of-the I/Gated totes, d _ lieu of those not to incur liability, Goo., for streets, du§;;<::;;:l¤*;};g;E;;;‘§ »l“ . - l . ’ 196 5in12dé);-xyolghggabgprtatloui Pfgvjmfsyl 406 bond of indemnity, with sureties . 196 B ¤;[PP/léopriation for reimbursement of . . 526 Bonrgaiizlcgrgtig for uva-gmk U I l · · 714 OG?" O :SIH'2)(3y, 1 {01*.the harbor and river at Washington Bon/cant, .lme, _ _ S and Georgetown, D. C. 87 claim of, allowed by commissioner · · 746
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