972 INDEX. Bonham, John, Boundary Line, (continued.) claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 possessions west of the Rocky Moun- Bormer, Jerry, tains, under former treaty, to be left claim ot, allowed by commissioners . . 758 to the arbitration of the Emperor of Bonner, John, Germany without appeal . . . 874-876 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 proceedings in such arbitration, 874-876 Bonner, Robert, See Great Britain. claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 Bounties, Qc., Books, all acts relating to payment ot, to colcustoms duty on, from August 1, 1872 . 232 ored soldiers and sailors, to remain in Boonville Railroad Bridge Company, force 366 may construct, &c., a bridge across the all colored persons who enlisted in the Missouri river between Boonville and army to have the same right to . . 601 Franklin. . . . . . . . . . . 99 Bounty, Boon, W ziham, time for filing claims for certain addiclaim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 tional, extended 54 Booth, A. G., payment to the officers and crew of the payment to, for services as assistant as- Kearsarge, in lieu of certain 52 sessor . . . . 704 of $100 to persons who enlisted in the Booth, Emily, military service prior to July 2, 1861 . 55 rdpension to . . . . . . . 781 Bounty, Additional, Bo en, Nancy, time of filing claims for, extended . . 608 claim ot} allowed by commissioners . . 742 Bounty Land, Boring, Hartsell, compensation of agents, &c., prosecuting claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 claims for .. 575 Bosholl, John, penalty for receiving, &c., a greater, 575 claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 742 notice of the issuing of warrant for, to _ Boshell, Mac/c M., be sent to applicant or his attorney . 573 7 claim ot, allowed by commissioners . . 742 Bowen, James J., _ Boston, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 , pay of measurers and gaugers at the Bowers, Cannon, A port of, established ... 411 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 additional lands for post-office in, how Bowers, PV. T., A may be acquired 524 credit to be allowed, in settlement of his A not to be purchased until, &c. . . 524 accounts . . . . ... 698 appropriations for otdce of assistant Bowlby, Wilson, treasurer at .. 70, 495, 496 to be credited with the value of certain { for furniture for postofiice and sub- internal revenue stamps . 676 · treasury building at . 353 Bowlin, lVilliam, for navy-yard at . . . . . 368, 552 damages awarded to, by commissioners i Boston, William Henry, of claims . . 692 _ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 Bowman, Daniel, l Botanic Garden, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 appropriations for the . . 65, 361, 491, 519 Bowman, John, Border, Alexander R., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 legal and political disabilities removed Bowser, Thomas, from .. 676, 67 7 damages awarded to, by commissioners Botts, Beverly B.,of claims . . . . . . . . . . 692 ; payment to, for injuries to land, &c., of Boyd, Doctor T., John M. Botts . . . .. 719 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 742 Botts, John JL, Boyd, Willis, , payment to children and heirs at law of, 719 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 ' Bcughton, Lcmuel C., Boyer, John, homestead application of, declared valid, 656 title of, to certain land in Missouri, con- ; Baukniqht, Gemjqe, ftrmed . . . . . . . 652 ' claim oi} allowed by commissioners . . 753 Boyle, Ann E., Boulogno, pension to . . . . . . . . . . . 792 1 pay to consul at, for extraordinary ser- Boa:-Rents, vices during the late war in Europe . 123 when decreased by extension of free de· Boundary Uno, livery of letters, allowance to be made between Idaho and Utah Territories, for . . . . . . . . . 295 appropriation for, made subject to at post—ofHcos, to be accounted for, as present use .. 9 part of postal revenue .. 290 between the United States and British Bradoy, Terrill, possessions, between Lake of `the damages awarded to, by commissioners Woods and the Rocky Mountains, of claims .. 692 joint commission to determine . . . ,43 Bradjbrd, John, engineers in regular service to act . 43 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 appropriation ... . 43 Bradley, Mart/za PV., between the United States and posses- claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 sions of Great Britain, commission to Brodie}/» Zmas, complete . . . 437 ension to . . . . . . . 783 appropriations .. 437, 529 Bradishazo, Joseph C'., between the United States and British claim oi] allowed by commissioners . . 7 53
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